An-Najah National University

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  • Tuesday, February 24, 1998
  • prosaic poetry
  • Published at:Not Found
  • This reseach introduces the prosaic poem as a ramification of the poetic innovation movement once again. This reseach tries to present a penetrating prespective to the mechanisms of the new poetic product as wellas its special rhythm so as to justify or refute its prescence.

                This reseach chronicles the prosaic poem , and demonstrates the reality of the Arabic poetry before its emergece . It also shows the factors that paved the way to the prosaic poem , then it presents its theory and it also discusses it. Moreover , this research talks about the critis’ as well as the writers’ attitudes towards the prosaic poem , and consequently it generalizes their attitudes into three ones : total acceptance total negligance and / or discretion.

                The reseach comes to fact that the prosaic poem became secluded from the recipent and the audiance as well , because it was built upon rejection , exoticism and disdain . The prosaic poem couldn’t stand beside the rhymed - verse , and it couldn’t impose itself as an innovation movement as the foot poem did , which is based on the rhythm , rhyme , from and poetic semtence .

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Hamdi Mahmood Hamad Jabali
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