An-Najah National University

Khalid Abu-Dayeh


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  • Tuesday, April 15, 2008
  • Importance of Using Archives Materials In the History Curriculum Programs for Palestine History
  • A nation has a responsibility to preserve its archives. Losing its archives, a nation loses its past; losing its cultural legacy, it loses its soul. Archives are useful from the cultural, political and personal point of view.


    Recently, this century is the memory of the nation. Archive materials are important part of writing nations’ history. Recently education programs are focus on the important of using archives by educational institutions, researchers, historians and teachers. It may be not consider, student, or historian proficient or scholar in the history discipline unless he acquires and using the archives in his research or teaching. So students are able to make the responsibility for their own written actions with support and guidance from their historian teachers they using archives materials

    The relation between the education curriculums, historians, and archives has become increasingly clear by the importance of the archive studies. The ability of them to record the nation’s history by their features will depend upon archives to provide them with the primary sources or information. And the best way into understanding the reality of the nations past history is via archives by using and studying them and we can get facts. Sir Arthur state: Of all national assets, archives are the most precious; they are the gift of the generation to another and the extent of our care of them…” For example, in the Palestinians universities, the important of archives in teaching the history or using them still not spread widely between students and teachers. Even the academic institutions have not grasped the absolutely fundamental importance of archives to the future of the history. In general still we have the lack of awareness among the wider public, either historians or academic staff. Unfortunately, some of the history teachers or researchers in private and governmental schools or universities in the Palestine can not use archives materials to help themselves achieve their goals perfectly and truthfully.

    It is education curriculum program duty to increase the awareness of students, historians and researchers about the value of archives. That can be and should be done by educators, archivists and Minister of Education to promote and understanding of the value of archives, and to assist the archival profession. Educational institutions can teach their students the value of working with primary source materials and encourage them to make full use of the opportunities provided by archives. Universities would offer to its community the opportunity to take a credit or non-credit course in archival procedures and methods. University and other educational institutions can took fuller advantage of opportunities to invite archivists to participate in their teaching program and to advise them on the materials available to support nation’s history.

    Archive materials relating to Palestine history is still only dimly used by teachers, historians and researchers and these archive materials are not available in Palestine National Archives Center, or in Educational Institutions. None of the major aspects of Palestine history and studies has been so much neglected as study and research about this history for many periods.

    In this study, the researcher hoped to bring the attention of the teachers, historians, researchers, government authorities and students concerned to the significance of teaching or using archives materials relating to Palestine. So, this study is the first study that will investigates the using archival materials in our curriculum and teaching methodology among teachers, researchers, and textbooks for Palestine history. It examines a series problem in the process of teaching and the research methods on Palestine history by showing the level of using archival materials. Further, the findings of this study could contribute to the making of some changes within the teacher’s attention or curriculums in schools, universities and other educational institutions for teaching the history of Palestine.

    This study has many purposes the following objectives:

    ·   To investigate the archive materials needs for the students of history department.

    ·   To investigate the need for including more of archival literature in teaching, or using or studying      Palestine history and in the curriculum universities and governmental departments for Palestine people.

    ·   It needs for changing the textbooks and the materials that are used in teaching Palestine history, which not rely on archive materials.

    ·   To advice the educational Institutions on the most suitable of importance of using archives materials in preserve the national history for people.

    The questionnaire aims to investigate the influence of using the archival materials relating to Palestine history, as original and truth information for teachers, historians, researchers, and students for their research. This study attempts to answer the following questions:

    ·   Is there a need for changing the teaching methods that are used in the archive materials in Palestine history?

    ·   Is there a significant difference on students writing research about Palestine history by using archives due to different levels of teacher’s experience or qualifications?

    ·   Are archives materials essentially and primary resources for students in history department?

    ·   Is there a significant difference between local textbooks for Palestine history and non-local textbooks?

    ·   Are the educational institutions, universities and curriculum programs trying to hold or obtain archives and to facilitate access to them for students and researchers?

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Khalid Hafiz Abu-Dayeh
Records Management and Archives Administration
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