An-Najah National University



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  • Wednesday, April 9, 1997
  • A Study Of Sami Al-Keelani’s Volume Of Short Stories “Three Minus One”
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  • The research paper studies Sami Al-Keelani’s short stories collection,

    Three minus one. The collection includes twenty-three short stories and deals with a prominent period of Palestinian history under occupation.


    I have tried to clarify the relation between the author and the collection justification for the choice of topics, and the relationship between these topics and the Socio-Political reality under which the author lives .Also, I have studied certain technical aspects of the collection as exposition, characters, language and style.


    I have also explored certain aspects of the short story in the occupied territories, aspects which can shed light on the nature of Palestinian literature under occupation.


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Khalil Muhammad Odeh
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