An-Najah National University

Suleiman Ibrahim Al-Khalil

Biomedical Scienctist,FIBMS,CCHEM MRSC,


Suleiman Ibrahim Al-Khalil's profile

Suleiman Ibrahim Al-Khalil
Doctorate in Biomedical Scientist,
Martial Status:
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An-Najah National University,Faculty Of Science
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University of Graduate:
University Of Technology,lboro,UK.
Research Area:
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"My current research include pharmaceutical Quality Control using various analytical techniques. The main objective of this work is to check the quality of local pharmaceutical products produced by West Bank factories independently & send recommendations about the result for the manufacturer in concern. Other area of interest is to study the effect of the Palestinians herbal & medicinal plants on intestinal motility & their activity bacteria & fungi. The effect of Salvia Fruticosa & Teucrium Polium was intensively studied. The technique that have been utilized during this work includes testing various herbal extract on activity of the rabbit small intestine by measuring its contractile response. In fact this is an interesting areas since such medical treatment is still in practice & the use of Herb’s in common in Palestine. Further work is underway in collaboration with our team in Birzeit University, Loughborough University to isolate & identify the active ingredient(s) of target plant included in our studies. Diagnosis of Brucellosis & Hepatitis in the northern part of Palestine is another area of interest. Over the last year, we have developed our laboratories at An-Najah, in order to carry out routine analysis related to Hemoglobinopathies.
This includes Hb-electrophoresis, microscopic examinations & relevant enzymatic activities. The significant of this service stems from the fact that there is no such service in the northern part of Palestine. Our intention is to establish a Thalassemia Center at the University, since our preliminary screening shows a high incidents of this disease in the area. Finally, Normal Values for blood Cholesterol, Uric acid, Triglycerides. Glucose, for representative geographical areas in Palestine is in progress.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
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Suleiman Ibrahim Al-Khalil
Biomedical Scientist,
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