An-Najah National University

ٍScience Education



Shehadeh Mustafa Abdo's profile

Shehadeh Mustafa Abdo
Doctorate in Physics and Science Education
Martial Status:
August 7, 1959
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University of Graduate:
University of Jordan
Research Area:
Education Reform, Quality of Education, Bridging the Gap between Scientists and Educator; Curriculum Planning and Development; Teacher Education In and Pre-Service; Vocational and Technical Education.
Attended Conferences:
(1) Morphology of Kevlar 49 fiber, paper presented in the first Conference of Solid state Physics, University of Jordan, Jordan, 1986.
(2) Structure and Structure characterictics of Kevlar 29 and 49 fibers, paper presented in the Second Conference of Solid state Physics, University of Jordan, Jordan, 1989.
(3) The Impact of annealing on Optical, Electrical, and Mechanical Propertied of Kevlar 29 and 49 fibers, paper presented in the Third Conference of Solid state Physics, University of Jordan, Jordan, 1992.
(4) The role of departments of education in Palestinian Universities in developing and qualifying Science educators, paper presented in the first Conference of Science Education, Bethlehem University, 1996.
(5) Science educator in Palestine : Reality and future perception, paper presented in the second Conference of Science Education, Bethlehem University, 1996.
(6) The Effect of three Structural Characteristics of Verbal problems on solving ability of 10th basic Grade students in Jenin District to solve verbal Physical problems Palestine, paper presented in the first Conference of Physics Education, Beerzat University, 1996.
(7) The Impact of using Information and Knowledge Treatment in achievement and Attitudes of 10th Grade Students toward Physics Course and their Immediate and long-term Achievement in Governmental Schools belonging to the Directorate of Education in Nablus Governorate, paper presented in the second Conference of Physics Education, Beerzat University, Palestine, 1997.
(8) The Impact of using differential Strategy in achievement and self-concept, motive of 10th Grade Students toward Physics Course and their Immediate and long-term Achievement in Governmental Schools belonging to the Directorate of Education in Nablus Governorate, Palestine, 2000.
(9) Vocational education in Palestine, Paper presented in the National Conference of Teaching for all, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine, 2004.
(10) Palestinian Science Curriculum between Originality and materiality, Paper presented in the conference of Palestinian curriculum between Originality and modernality, An-Najah National University, Palestine, 2005.
(11) The role of E- learning in Science education, Paper presented in the Conference of Electronic Learning and Teaching, The Center of Developing and Training Palestinian Teachers, Palestine, 2005.
(12) Bridging the Gap between Scientists and Science Educator in Palestine, , Paper presented in the Conference Bridging the Gap between Scientists and Science Educator, UNISCO, Cairo, Egypt , 2006.
(13) The Role of Science Educator in Developing Basic Science Education , Paper presented in the Conference of Basic Education in Palestine, Bethlehem University, 2006.
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Shehadeh Mustafa Abdo
Physics and Science Education
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