An-Najah National University



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  • Wednesday, February 1, 1989
  • Prevalence and seasonal fluctuations of intestinal parasitic infections in the Nablus area, West Bank of Jordan.
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  • A total of 22,970 stool specimens collected from patients attending the Central Medical Laboratory in the city of Nablus in the period of 1981-1986 were examined for intestinal parasites. Of these 7412 (32.3%) were positive. Entamoeba histolytica (22.9%), Giardia lamblia (7.3%), and Ascaris lumbricoides (5.7%) were the most prevalent intestinal parasites found. Other intestinal parasites present included Hymenolepis nana, Trichomonas hominis, Trichuris trichiura, Taenia saginata, Enterobius vermicularis and Strongyloides stercoralis. Seasonal occurrence of intestinal parasites in the West Bank of Jordan was also studied in the period January 1981-August 1987. Lower prevalence rates of intestinal parasites generally occurred during winter and early spring. Peak incidence occurred during summer and early autumn. The reasons for these seasonal variations are discussed.

    Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 1989 Feb;83(1):67-72.

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Mohammed Saleem Ali-Shtayeh
Applied biology and biotechnology
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