An-Najah National University



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  • Thursday, January 1, 2004
  • Epidimiology of Aerobic Bacterial Infections among IUD (Intrauterine ‎Device) Users in the Northern West Bank
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  • Intra uterine device (IUD) is the most popular method of contraception among Palestinian women. It is one of the very effective contraceptive methods with very small failure rate. Infection has been the main problem that faces women using IUD all over the world. The aim of this study is to explore the epidemiological pattern of aerobic bacterial infections among IUD users in Northern West Bank /Palestine. A study sample included two hundred women (134 IUD users and 66 non-IUD users) from MOH (Ministry of Health) FP (family planning) clinics. These women were randomly selected, interviewed, then cervical swabs were collected and cultured for aerobic bacteria, all data were analyzed using SPSS software. The study results showed overall significant higher rate of isolated bacteria among IUD users compared to non-users (P value < 0.05), with a significant relationship between infection and the type of IUD. However there was no overall significance in relation to duration of use (P value > 0.05). More than 50% of the positive culture results were predominant bacteria, and some 40% were potentially pathogenic. ? Hemolytic streptococcus was the most frequent of the former and E. Coli of the latter. Overall the study results were consistent with the current literature.


    An-Najah University Journal for Research - Natural Sciences (A) ISSN: 1727-2114
    Volume 18 , Issue 1 , 2004, Pages: 013-024

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Mohammed Jawad Musmar
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