An-Najah National University

Anwar Akram Issa Dudin


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  • Monday, September 1, 1997
  • Neural tube defect among Palestinians: a hospital-based study
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  • A preliminary study was undertaken to estimate the incidence of neural tube defect (NTD) among Palestinians living in East Jerusalem and the southern part of the West Bank (600,000 inhabitants). Between 1 January 1986 and 31 December 1993, all NTD in fetuses weighing more than 500 g or of more than 22 weeks gestation, whether the product of abortion, therapeutic termination, stillborn or liveborn, were included. Mothers' data recorded included age, parity, residential area, gestational age, obstetrical history and consanguinity. The study included 26,934 consecutive newborns registered at Makassed Hospital in the study period. There were 148 cases of NTD, an incidence of 5.49 per 1000 births. The female to male ratio was 1.5:1. The incidences of spina bifida, encephalocele and anencephaly were 2.23, 0.44 and 2.41 per 1000, respectively. The incidence of NTD increased with maternal age. This preliminary report reveals a high incidence of NTD in the Palestinian community and further monitoring is necessary to confirm these findings and implement suitable policies for the detection and prevention of NTD.


    Ann Trop Paediatr. 1997 Sep;17(3):217-22


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Anwar Akram Issa Dudin
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