- Tuesday, July 12, 2011
- Published at:The Lancet Journal
The pharmacist is an essential part of the health-care system in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), providing advice and guidance to patients. The reality and difficulties of pharmacy practice in the oPt are not supported by any data. The aim in this study was to draw attention to the reality, and describe the pharmacy profession in the area.
Reports at the central office of the Pharmaceutical Association, Jerusalem, West Bank, which describes the pharmacy workforce in the oPt, and the Nablus office (largest branch office) were reviewed. Key individuals—secretary of the Pharmaceutical Association, head of pharmaceutical policy and pricing department at the Ministry of Health, and an assistant professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy at An-Najah National University, West Bank—were interviewed. The main questions were what are the main problems in the pharmacy practice; who is responsible for the problem; what are you doing to resolve the p
- Friday, October 1, 2010
- Published at:International Journal of Obesity (Int J Obes )
- OBJECTIVE: It is important to understand levels and social inequalities in childhood overweight within and between countries. This study examined prevalence and social inequality in adolescent overweight in 35 countries, and associations with macroeconomic factors.
DESIGN: International cross-sectional survey in national samples of schools.
SUBJECTS: A total of 11-, 13- and 15-year-olds from 35 countries in Europe and North America in 2001-2002 (N=162 305).
MEASUREMENTS: The main outcome measure was overweight based on self-reported height and weight (body mass index cut-points corresponding to body mass index of 25 kg/m(2) at the age of 18 years). Measures included family and school affluence (within countries), and average country income and economic inequality (between countries).
RESULTS: There were large variations in adolescent overweight, from 3.5% in Lithuanian girls to 31.7% in boys from Malta. Prevalence of overweigh
- Friday, September 4, 2009
- Published at:Amazon
- Nutrition is a fundamental pillar of human life, health, and development across one?s entire span of life. Because adolescents are the future generation, their nutritional needs are critical for the well being of society. Adolescence is an important period for acquiring and strengthening healthy eating and lifestyle behaviours. A healthy diet, together with physical activity, can prevent or postpone the onset of nutrition-related chronic diseases in adulthood. This first study on Nutrition-related behaviours of Palestinian adolescents, reveals several nutrition-related problems, including high prevalence rates of overweight, weight dissatisfaction, unhealthy weight control behaviours, extreme weight-control behaviours, negative body image or perception of body weight, problems with eating habits and lack of physical activity. Priority areas for interventions were identified, our understanding of potential causes of body weight dissatisfaction was increased and areas for further research were identified
- Tuesday, September 1, 2009
- Published at:International Journal of Public Health
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate associations of daily breakfast consumption (DBC) with demographic and lifestyle factors in 41 countries.
METHODS: Design: Survey including nationally representative samples of 11-15 year olds (n = 204,534) (HBSC 2005-2006). Statistics: Multilevel logistic regression analyses.
RESULTS: DBC varied from 33% (Greek girls) to 75% (Portuguese boys).In most countries, lower DBC was noticed in girls, older adolescents, those with lower family affluence and those living in single-parent families. DBC was positively associated with healthy lifestyle behaviours and negatively with unhealthy lifestyle behaviours.
CONCLUSION: Breakfast skipping deserves attention in preventive programs. It is common among adolescents, especially girls, older adolescents and those from disadvantaged families.The results indicate that DBC can serve as an indicator to identify children at risk for unhealthy lifestyle behaviours.
- Tuesday, March 24, 2009
- Published at:International Journal of Eating Disorders
Objective: To examine the relationship between weight control behaviors and self-reported sociodemographic characteristics, weight status and perception of body weight, in a large, representative sample of adolescents in the West Bank and Gaza Strip territories of Palestine.
Method: Self-report measures of sociodemographic characteristics, body weight perception, height and weight and weight-control behaviors were completed by 8885 male and female students aged 12 to 18 years from 405 randomly selected schools as part of the 2003/04 Palestinian Health Behavior in School-aged Children Study (HBSC).
Results: In both genders, dieting to lose weight was common among adolescents and significantly higher among overweight than among underweight or normal weight adolescents. Extreme weight-control behaviors (vomiting, diet pills or laxatives) and smoking were more common among boys than girls, an