- Monday, September 7, 2009
- Online Course Container is a SCORM compliant Learned Management System developed at An-Najah National University. The project was funded by the World Bank and the EU through the QIF Fund. The attached file describes is the User's Manual and therefore describes in details the capabilities of this new LMS. The project was lead by the project director Dr. Raed Alqadi and Dr. Loai Malhis.
- Monday, September 7, 2009
- The attached presentation briefly describes why we need authoring tools to develop e-courses and also lists some well known open source and commercial tools.
- Monday, September 7, 2009
- The attached presentation was given on April 29 in the second workshp for the project "Improving E-learning at An-Najah national University". The presentatation describes the project, the project staff, SCORM standards, and Authoring Tools
- Monday, September 7, 2009
- The attached presentation describes the transfer from OCC version 1 ( non-SCORM) to OCC2 (SCORM compliant) and also other changes made. The presentation was prepared and delivered by Eng. Razi Sayyed on April 29 in the second workshop for the project.
- Monday, September 7, 2009
- The atatched presentation is an overview of e-learning. It describes the requirements of e-learning, requirements, pros & cons and other issues. The presentation was delivered by Dr. Loai malhis on April 24 in the second workshop of the project.