An-Najah National University



Maen Helmi Abdallah Samara's profile

Maen Helmi Abdallah Samara
Doctorate in Animal Science-Non-ruminant Nutrition
Martial Status:
September 1, 1958
Email Address:
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Faculty of Agriculture- An-najah university-Nablus
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University of Graduate:
The University of Tennessee
Research Area:
Ph.D. Research-Examined the effect of feeling system on performance of broiler breeder hens subjected to heat stress and examined the effect of high environmental temperatures on metabolites (ionized calcium and steroids) involved with egg shell quality.

Current Research-Examination of stress factors (i.e. environmental temperature) and their effect on performance of laying hens and broilers.
Other research-Involved with examining the effects management practices on quality of animal rations. Also, recent research activities have included: determining the influence of photostimulation of broiler breeders: and evaluation of alternative feed ingredients and their effect on performance of broilers and egg laying hens..
Attended Conferences:
Publications Abstracts/Proceedings.

1. Samara, M.H, K.R. Robbins, M.O. Smith and J.M. Grizzle, 1994 . High cyclic temperatures does not reduce blood ionized calcium in hens acclimated to elevated temperatures. Poultry Science 73:113.

2. Samara, M.H., K.R. Robbins, M. O. Smith, and J.M. Grizzle. 1994. Effects of different daily periods of high temperature on egg production and blood ionized calcium of broiler breeder hens. Poultry Science 73:113.
Presented at the Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the poultry science Association INC., Starkville, Mississippi, USA.

3. Samara, M.H., K.R. Robbins and M. O. Smith, 1995. Effects of temperature and feeding time on performance of broiler breeder hens. Poultry Science 74:215.“Presented at the 16 the Annual Meeting of the Southern Poultry Science Society. Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

4.Samara, M.H., M. Mizyed and M. A. Ahmad, 1999. Sub-sector Strategy for Agricultural Production. The Palestinian Conference On Agricultural Policy and Strategies. Hebron, October 25-26, 1999.

5.Samara, M.H., 2000. The poultry industry in Palestine: 1. Factors affecting the broiler industry. The second scientific conference of agricultural sciences. Abstract booklet. Faculty of Agriculture, Assuit University, Assuit, Eygpt.

6.Samara, M.H., 2000. The poultry industry in Palestine: 2. Factors affecting the egg industry. The second scientific conference of agricultural sciences. Abstract booklet, Faculty of agriculture, Assiut University, Assuit, Eygpt.
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Maen Helmi Abdallah Samara
Animal Science-Non-ruminant Nutrition
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