An-Najah National University

Dean / Associate Professor

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

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  • Tuesday, July 23, 2002
  • Traffic Systems Management Studies for Palestinian Cities: Implementation Assessment
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  • Khaled Al-Sahili1, Ph.D., P.E. and Sameer Abu-Eisheh2, Ph.D.


    Several Traffic Systems Management (TSM) studies for Palestinian cities were conducted since 1995. Their objectives were better traffic circulation, less traffic congestion, management of the CBD parking, management of public transportation, traffic engineering improvement, and enhancement of administration and training capabilities. Each study identified an action plan for the respective city.

    The Municipality was identified as the primary agency that should carry on the TSM plans with local and international assistance. Several years after the completion of the TSM studies, the interaction of municipalities with the recommended action plans varied among these cities. The impact of the TSM studies in each city after several years have passed was evaluated. Interviews with city officials were conducted to assess the status of following through study recommendations.

    Some action plan items were conducted because of their high priority, availability of funds, and public demand. Other improvements were not implemented because of their low priority, lack of funds, high cost, public objection, and political conditions.

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Khaled Ahmad Sahili
Transportation Engineering and Planning
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