An-Najah National University

Prof. Dr.Abdelfattah Abu-Shokor



Abdelfattah Khaled Abu-Shokor's profile

Abdelfattah Khaled Abu-Shokor
Doctorate in Economic Development
Martial Status:
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University of Graduate:
Philipps University, West Germany
Research Area:
Economic Development
Labor Economics
Macroeconomic policies
Attended Conferences:

1. Seminar on the Scientific Cooperation between Jordan and West Germany, Amman 1984
2. Seminar on the Economic and Social Conditions in the occupied homeland, Cairo, 1987
3. Seminar on Industrialization in Jordan, Amman, 1988
4. Seminar on the Current Conditions in the Occupied Homeland, Amman 1988
5. Seminar on the Israeli Tax Policy in the Occupied Homeland, Amman 1988
6. Seminar on the Regional Planning and Housing in the Occupied Homeland, Amman, 1988
7. Seminar held by the UN-Habitat Sub-Organization on the decision of the General Assembly of the
United Nations to help the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Geneva,
Switzerland 13/3/89-17/3/89
8. Seminar on the UNIDO in Vienna about the Industrial Sector in the Occupied Palestinian territories from 11/10/1989-14/1-/1989
9. Seminar on Industrialization in the West Bank, Jerusalem, 27/6/1990
10. Seminar on Local Manufactured Goods and Strategy for Food Security, Chamber of Commerce, Amman, 1990
11. Seminar on Water Pollution in Jordan, “causes and Effects”, Amman, 1990
12. Seminar on Women and the Intifada, Jerusalem, 1990
13. Seminar Initiative for Peace and Cooperation in the Middle East, Rome, 18-22 January, 1992
14. Seminar held by the UN-Conference of Trade and Development on the Social and Economic Condition of the Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
15. Seminar on Unemployment held by the united Nations Economic and Social Committee for Western Asia (ESCWA) 30/11/1992 in Amman
16. Seminar on Regional Economic Cooperation in the Middle East, Cairo 29/3/1993-31/3/1993
17. Conference of the Initiative to Encourage Economic Research in the Middle East and North Africa, held in Cairo from 4-6 June 1993
18. Palestinian Economic Conference, Jerusalem, December 1993
19. Conference on the Palestinian Labor Force in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, organized by the ILO, An-Najah University and Arab Economists Association, Jerusalem 3-4/2/1994
20. Ford Foundation Conference on Social Scientific Research in Palestine, Cairo 4-8/5/1994
21. Arab Labor Organization Experts Meeting from 9-11/5/1994 in Cairo
22. Cairo University Conference on Economic Cooperation in the Middle East, Cairo, 14-16/5/1994
23. CEDEJ Conference on the Middle East Economy in a Prospect of Peace in Strasbourg, 28-30/6/1994
24. Labour Market Workshop, Economic Research Forum, Cairo, June 1995.
25. Med- Campus Training Program for the Development of Institutions operating in the labor market from July- September 1995.
26. Workshop on Urban and Rural Development in Palestine, Amman, Nov. 1995.
27. Tripartite conference on “Euro-Mediterranean Social Space: Labour, Enterprise, Training”, Catania, 24-25 May 1996, Italy.
28. Conference of the Palestinian Economy Towards a vision, Arab Economists Association; Economic Development Institute of the world Bank, GTZ, in Bir-Zeit University, 9-12/June/1996.
29. Conference on Labour Market and Human Resource Development, Economic Research Forum and Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, Kuwait 16-18 September 1996, Kuwait.
30. Seminar in Sana about the Arab higher Education and the challenge of 21 century March 1997.
31. International conference on employment in Palestine, Organized by the Palestinian ministry of labor and the ILO, in May 1998 in Ramallah.
32. Fifth annual conference of the Economic Research Forum in Tunis 31.8-2.9.1998
33. Sixth annual conference of the Economic Research Forum in Cairo from 28-31st October, 1999.
34. Mediterranean Development Forum Mdf3 in Cairo from 5-8 March, 2000.
35. 8th Conference of Arab Ministries for Higher Education and Scientific Research, held in Cairo from
36. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Expert Group Meeting on
Population Policies and Migration 18-19 November 1999.
37. Economic Research Forum (ERF) Ninth Annual Conference, Sharja, UAE, 26-28 October, 2002
38. Special workshop for self and external evaluation of Arab Universities, Organized by the Union of Arab Universities in Amman in the period from 4-6/12/2004.

39. ERF 11 TH Annual conference, December 14 TH - 16 TH 2004, Beirut, Lebanon. In this conference I was discussant to the presented paper entitled "Wage compression and the Returns to Schooling for Palestinian men from 1995 to 2001, by Edward Sayre and Katherine Miller.
40. ERF 12th Annual conference, December 18-21, 2005, Cairo, Egypt. In this conference I was discussant to the presented paper entitled "A model for the Palestinian labor markets and wage earnings", by Mahmoud Elkhafif and Yousif Daoud.
41. MAS Institute Annual conference, September 2006, in Ramallah, Palestine. I presented in this conference a paper entitled: "Future prospects of Palestinian laborers in Israel".
42. ERF 13th Annual conference, December 16-18, 2006, in Kuwait. In this conference I was discussant to the presented paper entitled "Water Demand Management in Arid Area: A DEA Input Distance Function Approach to Analyze Irrigation Efficiencies in South Tunisia" by Mounir Belloumi and Mohamed Matoussi.
43. ERF 14th Annual conference , December 28-30, 2007 in Cairo, Egypt.
44. ERF 15th Annual Comference, November 23-25,2008 in cairo, Egypt
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Abdelfattah Khaled Abu-Shokor
Economic Development
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