An-Najah Blogs :: Prof. Dr.Abdelfattah Abu-Shokor An-Najah Blogs :: Prof. Dr.Abdelfattah Abu-Shokor en-us Sat, 27 Jul 2024 17:34:19 IDT Sat, 27 Jul 2024 17:34:19 IDT [email protected] [email protected] RESEARCH AND SCIENTIFIC STUDIES Articles1 Gebt es eine Gemeinsame OPEC-Front? Widerspreuche und Gemreinsamketien in der Strategiebilding Bochum Studienverlag Dr N Brockmeyer 1981 2 Socio-Economic Conditions of the West Bank and Gaza Strip Workers in Israel Documentation Transcripts and Publication Center An-Najah National University Nablus April 1987 3 Social Structure and Income Distribution Pattern in the West Bank and Gaza Strip An-Najah National University Nablus 1987 4 Labor Market in the West Bank and Gaza Strip An-Najah National University Nablus 1987 5 Immigration of Labor force in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: its Size Characteristics and Motives in: Samid Al-Iqtisadi 11th year No 75 1989 6 Economic and Social Effects of immigration of the Labor force from the OPT in Samid Al-Iqtisadi 11th year No 77 1989 7 The effects of the Palestinian Intifada on the Israeli Economy in Al-Kateb No 115 1989 and by the Arab League in a special edition 8 1990 8 The Conditions of Industry in the Occupied Palestinian Territories West Bank and Gaza Strip in Same Al-Iqtisadi 21st year No 81 1990 9 Income Distribution and its Social impact in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in Kamel Abu-Jaber and others editors: Income Distribution in Jordan Westview Press Boulden San Francisco and Oxford 1990 10 Characteristics of the Development of the Israeli Economy First Section Military Expenditure Agriculture Industry in Samed Al-Iqtisadi Vol 14 No 86 1991 11 Characteristics of the Development of the Israeli Economy Second Section Construction Tourism Foreign Trade Inflation and Investment in Samed Al-Iqtisadi Vol 14 No 87 1992 12 Industrialization in the West Bank Joint Research Documentation Transcripts and Publications Center An-Najah National University Nablus October 1991 Arabic and January 1992English 13 Unemployment in the Occupied Palestinian Territories 1968-1991 united Nations Economical and Social Committee for Western Asia ESCWA Amman 1992 14 The Economic and Social Impact of the Israeli Regional Planning in the West Bank in: Qiraat Siayasiah Political Reading Vol 2 No 3 Winter 1412H1992 World and Islam Studies Enterprise WISE Tempa Fla Vsa 15 Home Economy in the Palestinian Countryside Joint Research Dar El-Karmel Amman 1992 16 Review of Labor and Employment Trends in the West Bank and Gaza Strip UNCTAD ECDC SEU9 Geneva January 1995 17 Future Economic Development Strategy for the Palestinian State Economic Department Palestine Liberation Organization Published by Samed Al-Iktisadi Samed Economist Vol 16 No 98 October-November- December 1994 18 Editing of the book on the Proceedings of the Symposium on the Labor Force in the OPT in Jerusalem 3-421994 ILO Arab Economists Association An-Najah National University Jerusalem 1994 19 Labor demand and Supply in the OPT: Present and Future in Abdelfattah Abu-Shokor Edt Proceedings of the Symposium on the Labor Force in the OPT in Jerusalem 3-441994 ILO Arab Economists Association An-Najah National University Jerusalem 1994 20 Palestinian-Israeli-Jordanian Labor Mobility: The Current Situation and Issues for a Peaceful Future Joint Research in: Stanley Fischer leonard J Hanseman Anna DKarasik and Thomas C Schelling Editors Securing Peace in the Middle East MIT press 1994 21 Employment Conditions in the OPT and the Proposed Economic Programs Arab Labour Organisation Report Cairo 1995 22 Business and Investment in Palestine Structure and Prospects of the Economy Published by the steering committee and Allied Accountants a member firm of Arthur Andersen CoSc Amman-Jordan 1995 23 Human Resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in: Louis Blin and Philippe Fargues edt The Economy of Peace in the Middle East Maisonneuve et LaroseCEDEJ 1995 24 The Palestinian Economy under the Israeli Occupation from 1948-1994 Majmah EL-Lugah Arabia Arabic Language Forum Jordan University Amman 1995 25 Unemployment in the OPT and Employment Policies Economic Research Forum Cairo Egypt 1997 26 The Economy of Palestinian Construction and Building Sector in Antwan Zahlan edit Reconstruction of Palestine union studies center PECDAR Beirut Arabic 1997 27 Policies for the Creation of Enterprises and for SMEs Development in South and East Mediterranean: Employment Priorities Euro-Mediterranean Social Space: Labour Enterprise and Training catania 24-25 May 1996 in: IMED collection of Documents and of written Intervention 28 Development of Palestinian Human Resource Arab Economists Association Jerusalem 1996 29 Employment and Unemployment in Palestine Arab Labour Organization Cairo July 1999 30 The Role of Arab University Education in industrial Development Arabic under publication by the Union of Arab University 31 The Palestinian Laborers in Israel Palestinian Ministry of Labor International conference on employment in Palestine vol I 1998 32 Investment Environment in Palestine Arab Industrial Development And Mining Organization May 1999 33 Palestinian Medium-term Employment strategy ILO Palestinian Ministry of Labor Ramalla 1999 34 Palestinian Emergency Employment PlanILO Ministry of LaborRamalla 2001 35 Impact of Government Spending on Economic Development in the Palestinian TeritorriesCenter for Palestine Research and Studies CPRS Nablus January 2003 36 Book Review Globalization and its Discontents by Joseph Stiglits 2003 In: Journal of Development and Economic policies volume 7 Nr 2 June 2005 Arab Planning Institute Kuwait 2005 37 Future prospects of Palestinian laborers in Israel to be published by the Palestinian economic policy research institute MAS Ramallah 2006