An-Najah National University

Radwan J. El-Kelani,


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  • Sunday, April 6, 2003
  • 3D Gravity Field Modelling of the Lithosphere along the Dead Sea Transform (DESERT 2002)
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  • From March to May 2002 a gravity field campaign has to be conducted in the area of Dead Sea Rift/Dead Sea Transform with regard to the isostatic state, the crustal density structure of the transform and the lithospheric rigidity in the Central Arava Valley (Jordan). Our multi-national and interdisciplinary gravity group with participants from the Geophysical Institute of Israel, the Natural Resources Authority (Jordan), and the An-Najah National University (Palestine), takes part in the interdisciplinary and international DESERT program which is coordinated by the GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ, Potsdam, Germany). The study area is located about 100 km away from both the basin of the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Elat/Aqaba basin, respectively. Between March and May 2002 some 800 new gravity observations were recorded at a local scale in the Arava valley and at regional scale along the DESERT seismic line. Station spacing in the area of the Arava valley was 100 - 300 m and in the nearest neighbourhood of the fault 50 m only. The survey of detailed observations covered an area of 10 by 10 km and was completed by a likewise dense survey at the western side of the valley in Israel. All gravity data were tied to the IGSN -71 gravity datum and are terrain-corrected as well. The station complete Bouguer gravity field, Free air anomaly and residual isostatic anomalies (based on both Airy and Vening-Meinesz models) were merged with the existing regional gravity data bases of the region. Constraining information for the 3D density models came from recent geophysical field data acquisition and consist of seismic, seismological, electromagnetic studies, and geological mapping which represent the integrated part of the interdisciplinary research program. Novel methods e.g. curvature techniques, and Euler deconvolution of the gravity fields shed new insight into the structure of upper and lower crust and the causing density domains. In particular the "dip-curvature" reveal a clear course of underground structures which could be linked to the Arava fault system with their pull-apart structures. The results of preliminary 3D density models which are constrained by the seismic refraction and reflection profile of the DESERT program and seismic tomography show a good correlation with the near surface velocity field in the area of the Arava fault and a slightly different picture of the Moho at a depth of interface which stemmed from refraction modelling along the principal DESERT reflection and refraction seismic line.


    EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Abstracts from the meeting held in Nice, France, 6 - 11 April 2003, abstract #7785


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Radwan J. El-Kelani
Associate Professor in Applied and Environmental Engineering Geophysics
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