An-Najah National University


Associated Professor in Construction Engineering and Management

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  • Thursday, January 1, 2009
  • دراسة مدى استعداد العمال لاستعمال معدات الوقاية الشخصية في مواقع


              Due to the frequent occurrence of accidents in the construction work sites in Palestine, the issue of health and safety measures is becoming increasingly an urgent matter. This research was conducted to investigate the readiness of the construction workers to use personal protection equipment in the construction sites in the city of Nablus.   This was done through the distribution  of a questionnaire, collecting data and analyzing it. The  results then were related to different variables, like type of work, years of experience and the duration of work. The study revealed that the majority of workers showed readiness to use protection equipment, especially   helmets and safety footwear. The need for other protection equipment depends on the type of work and the degree of danger. The study also revealed no difference in the degree of willingness to use such equipment between the workers of form-work of the masons or the assistant workers with relation to the three above  mentioned variables. 

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Nabil Moh. Dmaidi
Associate professor in Construction Engineering and Management. Dean of Engineering Faculty.
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