- Wednesday, March 11, 2009
- Published at:Water for Life in the Middle East
- An Israeli-Palestinian-Jordanian integrated Geohydrological Information Center (G.I.C.) and data processing was constructed. The G.I.C. integrates all the data available with respect to the Dead Sea area, the Jordan River Valley and its margins. The objectives of the G.I.C. construction is to supply the core parties with the development of database to store, quality assure, analyze and exchange geological and hydrological information related to groundwater resources of the region. The G.I.C. conducted numerous activities to construct and improve the database for all core parties and to facilitate exchange of consistent and accurate data on regional water resources. Improved capabilities to quantitatively analyze and use geohydrological data contribute to improve management of scarce and fragile groundwater resources in the region. Such regional G.I.C. can contribute not only to traditional geohydrological activities, such as well sitting, but also to advanced model of large-scale groundwater flow and tr
- Tuesday, January 1, 2008
- Published at:Twelfth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC12 2008, Alexandria, Egypt
- Water management options for more food security in Palestine were evaluated using WEAP simulation model. A water management structure consisting of eight interrelated modules covering all aspects of water management was used. Three potential future political scenarios were tested: the current, a consolidate, and an independent State order. Simulations indicated that political status has decisive impact on water availability and the level of unmet demand and accordingly on present and future food security in Palestine. Water management, water trading, and water cost modules resulted in reductions in future water demands and therefore have positive impact on food security in Palestine.
- Monday, January 1, 2007
- Published at:Water Resources in the Middle East, 978-3-540-69508-0 (Print) 978-3-540-69509-7 (Online)
- This chapter examines the notion that politics is a significant if not the prime factor that influences on-the-ground realities of water use, sanitation, and water resource development in Palestine. Israeli water politics in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) were based on the goal of controlling Palestinian land and resources and forcing Palestinians to leave the country. They were characterized by four main steps: to use military overpower and unilateral actions to set and create new on ground realities that constitute the new negotiating basis, to enact laws and military orders that will help strengthen control and oversee what was taken by military force, set policy on the future directions and actions to be taken to fulfill the main objective of controlling Palestinian land and resources and implement through the establishment of institutions that control on ground the forced new reality. Continuing the past and present Israeli approaches will result in serious harm to both people with different pr
- Sunday, January 1, 2006
- Published at:Not Found
- Adistinctly Islamic approach to environmental education is pinpointed as a result of (a) identifying, listing, sorting, and grouping the verses in the Qura’n (the holy book of Islam and Moslems) related to environmental education such as learning, exercising, and mind and knowledge development, and (b) finding connections and relationships between groups according to mutual meanings. The approach is formulated in a tripod-type structure. Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala, the one-and-only Creator, represented by the belief in, and application of his rules and directions as stated in the holy Qura’n, stands at the top of the tripod. The legs of the tripod represent faith, manifestation, and knowledge, and each leg, in turn, constitutes the top of a local sub-tripod comprising of path, reference, and end results.
Canadian Journal of Environmental Education (CJEE), Vol 11, No 1 - 2006
- Saturday, January 1, 2005
- Published at:Not Found
- Identifying and considering public attitudes towards various aspects of water supply and sanitation services by planners and decision makers represent an important developmental element relating to the quality, efficiency, and performance of those services. A sample of 1000 Palestinian adults completed a questionnaire assessing attitudes towards socio-cultural and institutional aspects of water supply and sanitation services. The Palestinian public was found to be an important forward planner, aware of the various problems facing the sector, willing to cooperate and support, critical of current governmental practices and performances in the sector, and highly attached to its religious and ethical values. The study revealed the need of the Palestinian Authority to reset its water supply and sanitation priorities and upgrade and develop not only the water system but also the way of knowing and disseminating knowledge related to water supply and sanitation.
Canadian Journal of Environmental