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  • Thursday, January 1, 2004
  • Sources of Pragmatic Support to EFL Teaching and Learning: Research Note
  • Published at:Dirasat, Educational Sciences, Volume 31, No. 2, 2004
  • This paper brings into focus three pragmatic sources that can support the EFL teacher:

    1.       Natural environment

    2.       Interpersonal rhetoric.

    3.       Presuppositions.

    first, we have shown the possible contribution that a natural English environment can offer to an EFL teacher ad and learner alike with focus on quality of language learning.

    second, we have moved to investigating interpersonal rhetoric. particularly maxims of politeness and applied their model in Leech (J983) (tact. generosity, approbation. modesty. agreement. sympathy) below:

    1. Tact maxim:

         a. Minimize cost to other.                                                               b. Maximize benefit to other.

    2. Generosity maxim:

         a. Minimize benefit to self.                                                           b. Maximize cost to self.

    3. Approbation (approval):

         a. Minimize dispraise of other.                                                    b. Maximize praise of other.

    4. Modesty maxim:

         a. Minimize praise of self.                                                            b. Maximize dispraise of self.

    5. Agreement maxim:

         a. Minimize disagreement between self and other.                               b. Maximize agreement between self and other.

    6. Sympathy maxim:

    a. Minimize antipathy between self and other.                         b. Maximize sympathy between self and other.

    within a contrastive linguistic pragmatic framework with the aim of utilizing derived tact insights in our teaching. Then we have highlighted the possible contribution that presupposition can make to EFL teaching. finally. we have drawn our conclusions and pinpointed their related pedagogic implications.


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Farooq Mohammad Saeed Khalil
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