An-Najah Blogs :: An-Najah Blogs :: en-us Sat, 27 Jul 2024 19:04:18 IDT Sat, 27 Jul 2024 19:04:18 IDT [email protected] [email protected] Sources of Pragmatic Support to EFL Teaching and Learning: Research Note ArticlesThis paper brings into focus three pragmatic sources that can support the EFL teacher: 1 Natural environment 2 Interpersonal rhetoric 3 Presuppositions first we have shown the possible contribution that a natural English environment can offer to an EFL teacher ad and learner alike with focus on quality of language learning second we have moved to investigating interpersonal rhetoric particularly maxims of politeness and applied their model in Leech J983 tact generosity approbation modesty agreement sympathy below: 1 Tact maxim: a Minimize cost to other b Maximize benefit to other 2 Generosity maxim: a Minimize benefit to self b Maximize cost to self 3 Approbation approval: a Minimize dispraise of other b Maximize praise of other 4 Modesty maxim: a Minimize praise of self b Maximize dispraise of self 5 Agreement maxim: a Minimize disagreement between self and other b Maximize agreement between self and other 6 Sympathy maxim: a Minimize antipathy between self and other b Maximize sympathy between self and other within a contrastive linguistic pragmatic framework with the aim of utilizing derived tact insights in our teaching Then we have highlighted the possible contribution that presupposition can make to EFL teaching finally we have drawn our conclusions and pinpointed their related pedagogic implications The Translation of Metonymy: A Pragmatic Approach with Examples ArticlesBecause metonymy refers sometimes to country-specific places known to the inhabitants of that country and awareness of these references may not be shared by those belonging to other countries its treatment in translation acquires special importance as it may require intervention between the ST and TT by the translator and may also require his specific knowledge of a TL culture Given this the purpose of this paper is to define the concept of metonymy argue whether it makes a complete speech act or not and suggest a translation strategy to handle it through arguing relevant examples from English and Arabic with reference to a speech act mechanismPragmatic Assessment Of The Translated Text ArticlesThe purpose of this paper is to introduce to the reader the question of evaluating a translated text and suggesting a pragmatically-based criterial framework for the assessment of this text which will mainly address the question of equivalence between S T texts~ its definition its various kinds and the criteria intralinguistic and extralinguistic of measuring its successful achievement in the translated text as evaluation parameters This framework will be worked out with special reference to Houses model of translation quality assessment a construct for a systematic investigation of register and situational features as well as related approaches of Widdowson focusing on surface equivalence semantic equivalence and pragmatic equivalence Nord focusing on textual function and textual type of a message Van Dijk focusing on acceptability of a translated message etc These approaches will be compared and con trasted so that their merits can be shown and their applicability will be tested through textual examples to verify their value to the practising translator After these has been argued and evaluated Illustrative textual examples will be provided to verify their validity The paper will be concluded with characteristic common features of the approaches reviewed as well as implications and conclusions about the pragmatic evaluation of a translated text