An-Najah National University

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  • Wednesday, August 27, 2008
  • Outbreak of Maedi-Visna in Sheep and Goats in Palestine
  • Abstract:

    Clinical and laboratory studies in an outbreak of  Maedi-visna disease in a flock of sheep and goats were conducted. The clinical findings of the disease were loss of wool, dyspnea, and coughing, progressive condition loss, exercise intolerance and chronic mastitis. Nervous signs were developed later and were characterized by gait abnormalities of the hind limbs, ataxia, tremor of facial muscles and recumbency. A definitive diagnosis was made by characteristic clinical history, gross and histopathological lesions, and detection of  seropositive animals by ELISA.


    Key words: Outbreak; small ruminants; Maedi-visna; Palesti

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Salameh Shehdeh Barhoom
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