- Thursday, December 20, 2007
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- Different treatment technologiees are reported to have been applied for treating olive-mills wastewater (OMW). Among these are the anaerobic combined with aerobic, forced evaporation, chemical, and biological treatment methods. The reuse of the solid residueof olive-mills is reported, among others, as burning material or as filtering media. This paper evaluates the treatment options of the OMW generated in Palestine. It eloborates on the different treatment and management alternatives and examines their effectiveness. A sample of 20 mills has been surveyed in the Nablus-Tulkarm region and their wastewater quantities and characteristics are presented. Centralized treatment and disposal plants for OMW are recommended as a practical option for Palestine. Oil extraction process modifications in combination with forced evaporation are recommended as the most appropriate management and treatment option.
- Sunday, January 1, 2006
- Published at:The Islamic University Journal (Series of Natural Studies and Engineering), Vol.14, No.1, P.191-208, 2006
- SAP2000 program is used to analyze single simply supported two-way ribbed slab models from 5 x 5m to 5 x 25m, supported on beams of different stiffnesses. This paper concentrates on the distribution of the loads to the perimeter beams and to the ribs in both directions. The discussion of results showed that the distribution of moments along the parallel ribs in the short and long direction depends, in addition to the aspect ratio, on the relative stiffnesses of the slab (ribs) and the beams on which these ribs are supported. Also, the distribution of loads to the perimeter beams depends on the relative stiffness between the beams and the slab (ribs) in addition to the panel aspect ratio. Tables and curves that relate the load distribution factors with the aspect ratio and the relative stiffnesses of the supporting beams are presented as an outcome of this study.
- Tuesday, January 1, 2002
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- إن هذه الورقة تصف طريقة حديثة في بناء القباب تم استخدامها عملياً في إنشاء قبة مسجد صلاح الدين الأيوبي في مدينة طولكرم، إحدى مدن الساحل الفلسطيني وقد أثبتت الطريقة فاعليتها. لقد تم استيحاء هذه الفكرة من طرق إنشاء القباب التقليدية التي كانت متوارثة عبر تاريخ العمارة الإسلامية حيث أنه ومع تطور الخرسانة شاع انتشار طريقة استخدام الخرسانة المسلحة في إنشاء القباب بعد أن يتم تشكيل طوبار من الخشب بشكل القبة المطلوب، إلا أن هذه الطريقة لها عدة سلبيات مما أدى إلى التفكير باستخدام طريقة جديدة تتمثل في استخدام وحدات مسبقة الصب يتم تصنيعها من الخرسانة ثم يتم بناؤها لتش�
- Monday, August 20, 2001
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Narmin Radi AI-Barq
An-Najah Community College
Dr. Riyad A. Karim
An-Najah National University
Department of Civil Engineering
Dr.Osama Abaza
An-Najah National University Department of Civil Engineering
The effect of adding Zebar as partial replacement of mixing water on the properties of concrete is investigated. In particular, this research is done to study the effect of adding Zebar on durability and permeability. The effect on durability is studied by performing abrasion test using Rotating Cutter Head Machine. The effect on permeability is investigated by measuring the air content of freshly mixed concrete u
- Sunday, March 14, 1999
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- Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Cross-vault Shells
By Shuhrat Hani Tawfq Arafat
Dr. Riyad A. Karim
Civil Engineering Department AN-Najah National university 1998
Thousands of years ago, man had discovered the idea of using vault systems, built in stone to cover large areas. The Romans used the vault system widely especially in the construction of roofs of thermae.
One vault system is that system which is constructed by two intersecting cylindrical vaults known as cross-vault system.
Muslims also used this system especially to cover large areas of the holly places (mosques) and it became a tradition in the construction of mosques for hundreds of years. In modern architecture, shell structures occupy a place of increasing importance because of their strength, economy, and architectural form.
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