- Thursday, January 1, 2004
- Published at:Active and Passive Electronic Components Volume 27 (2004), Issue 2, Pages 69-80doi:10.1080/0882751031000116115
- The effect of annealing of the n-GaAs semiconductor on its characteristics in photoelectrochemical (PEC) systems has been investigated. The photocurrent densities vs potential plots were improved by annealing. Cell efficiency and short-circuit current densities were enhanced for the annealed n-GaAs.
The effect of the rate of cooling of heated n-GaAs wafers was also investigated. It was found that the slowly cooled electrodes gave better dark current density vs. potential plots, for samples annealed below 600ºC. For samples annealed at higher temperatures, quenching gave better dark-current density vs potential plots. For n-GaAs, slowly cooled electrodes from temperatures below 600ºC showed better photocurrent densityvspotential plots and higher efficiency. n-GaAs samples, quenched from temperatures above 700ºC, showed better photocurrent density vs potential plots and higher efficiency than their slowly cooled counterparts.
- Wednesday, January 1, 2003
- Published at:Active and Passive Electronic Components Volume 26 (2003), Issue 4, Pages 213-230doi:10.1080/0882751031000116124
- The effect of annealing of the n-Si semiconductor on its characteristics in photoelectrochemical systems has been investigated. The annealing improved the dark current density vs. potential plots. The surface was improved by annealing, as manifested by SEM results. The effect of the cooling rate on preheated n-Si wafers was also investigated. It was found that the slowly cooled electrodes gave better dark current density vs. potential plots, for samples annealed at lower than 550°C. For samples annealed at higher temperatures, quenching gave better dark-current density vs. potential plots. SEM measurements showed parallel results to these findings. Enhanced surface textures were observed for slowly cooled wafers from temperatures below 550°C. Samples quenched from temperatures above 550°C showed better surfaces than slowly cooled counterparts.
- Saturday, January 1, 2000
- Published at:Eur. J. Phys. 21 (2000) 341–345
- A derivation of the specific electrostatic energy loss for two interacting capacitors is given. The connecting wires are assumed to be superconducting. The method of derivation is based purely on the Poynting vector involved in the process without any reference to the nature of the mechanism that may be involved in achieving a final equilibrium state.
- Saturday, January 1, 1994
- Published at:Spectroscopy letters, 1994, vol. 27, no3, pp. 333-340
- Preferential Solvation of his-(2,2'-bipyridyl) biscyanoiron(II) was investipated in 2-ethoxy ethanol water binary aqueous mixtures. The treatment showed that preferential solvation by 2-ethoxy ethanol occurs. The preferential solvation constant at 298.15 K was found to be equal to (4.96±0.06) and the free energy of preferential solvations ΔG.has a value of 3.97 KL mol-1
- Thursday, September 30, 1993
- Published at:J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 545-556, 1994
- Accurate absolute atomic transition probabilities are reported for 482 lines of Rul. These are determined by combining branching fractions, measured using the 1.0 m Fourier transform spectrometer at the National Solar Observatory, with radiative lifetimes, and measured using time-resolved laser induced fluorescence.