- Saturday, August 1, 2009
- Published at:The Islamic University Journal (Series of Natural Studies and Engineering), Vol.17, No.1, pp 89-108 , 2009
- Many excavation support systems are available, bored cast in-situ reinforced concrete cantilever sheet pile wall is the support system under consideration in this paper. There is no specific design and analysis procedure for such excavation support system and most designers rely on experience rather than on engineering methods. The aim of this paper is to present a simplified analysis and design method to the proposed excavation support system in clayey soil, which will provide valuable design parameters, such as, penetration depth of the sheet pile, maximum bending moment and shear force, and maximum deflection at the top of the cantilever sheet pile for various arrangements of bored piles that form sheet piling.
- Monday, January 1, 2007
- Published at:مجلة جامعة النجاح للابحاث (العلوم الطبيعية)، المجلد 21، جامعة النجاح الوطنية ، نابلس، فلسطين
- إن الخرائط الجيوتقنية والتي تعتبر مكملة للخرائط الجيولوجية، يمكن أن تكون بديلاً عنها في الاستخدامات الهندسية، وهي الآن شائعة الانتشار والاستخدام، وخصوصا مع انتشار نظم التوقيع الكوني (Global Position Systems, GPS) ونظم المعلومات الجيوغرافية ((Geographical Information Systems, GIS. وتقدم هذه الخرائط لكثير من الدراسات التمثل الأفضل، وذلك بعرض المعلومات بصريا، حيث توفر الكثير من الجهد والوقت، وتقدم بسرعة متناهية المعلومات الضرورية للمشاريع الهندسية المختلفة، وخصوصا في مجال الهندسة المدنية مثل: إنشاء البنايات والسدود، وشق الطرق والأنفاق، واستخدام الأراضي، والبحث عن المياه الجوفية وغي�
- Tuesday, May 23, 2006
- Published at:An-Najah National Universit Journal (Natural Sciences) Vol 20, 2006
Excavations of soil and rock are one of the most important elements in
laying the subsurface structures. These excavations usually require excavation
support systems that have fundamental influence on the safety, profitability,
speed and quality of construction projects. Despite the great importance of the
support systems, most designers and contractors know very little about their
design and construction and they rely heavily on experience. The goal of this
paper is to present a review of excavation support systems available worldwide
and to survey the current state of practice in the local area (Nablus - Palestine),
including available types, reasons for failure, and methods of design and
construction of excavation support systems. This paper also suggested new
techniques that may be adopted locally as an excavation support system.
Conclusions of this study are presented and recommendations are suggested to
identify what r
- Thursday, January 1, 2004
- Published at:Journal of Applied Sciences 4 (3): 364-368, 2004
- Two methods are usually available for designing structures subjected to seismic loads. They are equivalent static load method and dynamic analysis method. The dynamic method of analysis is not widely used, but it may be necessary for important structures. Dynamic analysis usually has three phases, defining the expected source of earthquake, evaluating ground surface response spectra taking into account local soil properties and applying response spectra to proposed structure to evaluate seismic forces. In this study, the first two phases are discussed. The recent methods in evaluating the ground response that take into account soil properties are presented. This includes sources of earthquakes in Palestine and their characteristics such as earthquake magnitude, predominant period, maximum acceleration and duration. Furthermore, this study presents a case study for evaluating ground response spectra using computer program called Shake that may be used to evaluate ground response in Palestine.
- Thursday, January 1, 2004
- Published at:مجلة جامعة الأزهر بغزة - سلسلة العلوم الطبيعية، المجلد (7) العدد 2 ديسمبر 2004
Abstract: The White Mountain area in the city of Nablus, Palestine, had severe landslides in the year 1997. Necessary studies to find out the causes and to overcome this problem were carried out. This included surveying of the area, geotechnical studies (digging out five boreholes, taking necessary samples, and conducting laboratory tests), and slope stability analysis. The factor of safety was found to be more than one (between 1.4 and 1.8), and this indicated factors other than the natural slope caused the sliding in the White Mountain. It was found that the main causes of landslides were the cuts in the lower part of the area. After the causes for