An-Najah National University

prof. of literature and theory


  • Thursday, April 15, 2010
  • The translation of legal contracts: Towards a more pragmatic outcome
  • Published at:JJOLL
  • Abstract
    This study falls into two parts. The first part aims at demonstrating how pragmatic and functional considerations are important in legal translation. The corpus the researchers relied on consisted of nine translated versions of three authentic contracts. A Real-Estate Contract, a Contract of Lease and an Employment Contract were commissioned to be translated by three professional translators certified by the Palestinian Ministry of Justice asking them to translate these texts the way they would usually deal with legally binding, official documents.
    The second part explores the relevance of Vermeer\'s Skopos theory to the translation of contracts through a small pilot study that compares the work of translation students with a broad, theoretical background and that of a professional translator uninformed about theories of translation. A group of graduate students of translation and applied linguistics and a professional translator were assigned to translate a \"Power of Attorney\" legal
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  • Sunday, November 15, 2009
  • Cultural Coding and Decoding Practices in Toni Morrison’s Song Of Solomon and Tar Baby
  • Published at:International journal of Arabic-English studied (IJAES) vol.10,2009
  • This paper falls into history and memory studies in the post-colonial tradition, particularly the controversy over the pastness of the past and its relevance, irrelevance or partial relevance in the present. The paper marks out moments of reallocation of the recourses of history and memory in two Morrison texts: Song of Solomon (1977) and Tar Baby (1981). In addition to the concepts of racial injustice, economic exploitation of the subaltern, commitment to black history and cultural heritage, all common themes in the critical canon on Toni Morrison, the novels also represent a conflict between several discourses of  value coding within the black community itself . The divergence between these discourses opens a space in which members of the black community can look beyond a cruel past and a stagnant present to rethink the way the black society organizes itself , a move which , to a significant extent , determines its social , economic , and political condition in the present. By introducing alternative s
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  • Tuesday, January 10, 2006
  • Writing the Nation: Formation and Transformation
  • Published at:Journal of Contemporary Thought,24(winter)2006
  • How do all these words live?
    How do they grow and blossom?
    We still feed them tears and memories; We feed them metaphors and wine.
    M. Darwish, "Roses and Dictionaries"
    And some of us expect literature to provide us with comfort and consolation, or at least a few moments of mercy and grace, or at the very least a little distance and perspective. But I have neither comfort nor consolation, and I have no distance. I tell you that what was is no more.
    Oz, "Of Dreams and Dreamers"
                This paper discusses the: shifting conception of nationalism and the role
    literature plays in the evolution of a national character in the work of two renowned writers, Palestine's Mahmoud Darwish and Israel':; Amos Oz. Many a time in their work, Oz and Darwish stop to ponder the value d their writing to them individually as well as to their respective societies. They, obsessively return to the q
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  • Thursday, March 10, 2005
  • Arab Culture Now of Clay and Light
  • Published at:10th International Culture Studies Conference Refereed Proceedings,spring 2005
  • Abdel Karim Mohammed currently works as an assistant professo' of comparative literature and c ill! ral studies at An-Najah National University, He teaches Cultural Theory, Liter, ry Criticism, Comparative Literature, and Post¬Colonial Literature. His research interests are in comparative cultur al analysis and post-Marxist literary theory. He takes the definition of a cultural text beyond the traditional one of seeking material for analysis on the shelves of libraries. The definition expands to include ordinary conversations, media presentations, images and photographs, classroom discussions, and other such cultural phenomena. One finds there a first-hand, unofficial narrative of cultural transitions and evolutions.
    "And We Are of Clay and Light": Palestinian National Memory on the Border Between Myth and History
    This paper analyzes the cultural productions of a world-renowned narrator who has contributed heavily to forging anl re-forging Palestinian national mem
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Abdel-Kareem Tawfeeq Hasan Daraghmeh
Comparative literarture and literary theory
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