An-Najah Blogs :: Prof. Rami W. Hamdallah An-Najah Blogs :: Prof. Rami W. Hamdallah en-us Sat, 27 Jul 2024 15:03:56 IDT Sat, 27 Jul 2024 15:03:56 IDT [email protected] [email protected] The Role of Universities as a Challenge and Opportunity for Intercultural Dialogue in Today's World ArticlesIn an epoch that has often been defined by its civilizational differences this conference is a clear reminder that there are many of us out there that seek to endorse proactive solutions to an unnecessary problem It is with this that Intercultural Dialogue has become the obvious approach to help remove both real and ideological barriers in the contemporary world It is a term that suggests openness far greater than that of the globally pronounced multiculturalism which has seemingly floundered by reinvigorating the social divisions it had tried to exclude Most importantly it offers a sense of practicality to building relationships that goes beyond the rhetoricised notion of building bridges as it is a means rather than just an endThe Euro-Mediterranean Integration Process and Palestinian Higher Education: The Case of An-Najah National University ArticlesOn behalf of An-Najah National University I would like to extend our sincere appreciation to name of university or organization for hosting this conference and to thank all of those who worked to organize this important gathering of educators and intellectuals Special thanks are due to UNIMED Board and Staff and to all of the members of this vital network of universities The discussion of the Euro-Mediterranean integration process takes on special importance more than ever before particularly at this stage in history due to the fact that the forces of divisiveness and fragmentation globally and regionally have not lost impetus but on the contrary have gained more momentum especially in our region of the eastern Mediterranean We certainly share the responsibility for the failure or success of the different suggested schemes of integration Indeed this is not the time for apathy or negativity; we have to act fervently and unite our efforts to achieve a better future for our countries and peoplesTo Use or Not to Use Arabic in English Language Teaching ArticlesThis paper discusses one of the most controversial issues in English language teaching namely the use of L1 in this case Arabic in teaching English as a foreign language It first reviews the role of Ll in some major language teaching methods The paper then presents the rationale for using L 1 in English language teaching This includes motivation psychological effects and the influence of L1 on second language acquisition The paper concludes by presenting empirical evidence from a field study conducted by Tushyeh 1990 in which Arab teachers of English indicate the extent to which they use L 1 Arabic in teaching English as a foreign languageProblems and Approaches to Translation with Special Reference to Arabic ArticlesThis paper addresses the issue of translation in t m of the following: Translation and interpretation translation and EFL the skills of the professional translators the difficulties of translation from and into Arabic translation and Arabization and translators and the job market Suggestions are offered for the teaching of translation The paper presents the reader with practical examples of translation problems facing Arabic-speaking translator trainees at the college level The role of using translation in EFL classrooms is discussed and the merits and demerits of this approach in EFL teaching are explainedA Contrastive Analysis of English and Arabic in Relativization ArticlesRelative clause formation in English and Modem Standard Arabic henceforth MSA appears to be similar in many constructions; however there are certain aspects which are distinct In this paper a contrastive analysis will be undertaken to investigate points of comparison and contrast between relativization in English on the one hand and relativization in MSA on the other The following major areas will be covered: relative clause formation relative pronouns resumptive pronouns restrictive and nonrestrictive relative clauses nominal and verbal relative clauses subject and object relative clauses free I headless relative clauses embedding and its types and finally the Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy of Keenan and Comrie 1977 in relation to relativization in both English and MSA The Role of Higher Education in the Context of An-Independent Palestinian State ArticlesThe Role of Higher Education in the Context of An-Independent Palestinian StateCross-Cultural Pragmatic Failure ArticlesCross-Cultural Pragmatic FailureELT Situation at the University Level in the West Bank ArticlesELT Situation at the University Level in the West BankThe Need for a Multi-Factor Approach in Explaining Learners Errors ArticlesThe Need for a Multi-Factor Approach in Explaining Learners ErrorsA Contrastive Analysis of Selected English and Arabic Prepositions with Pedagogical Implications Articles Hamdallah Rami Hanna Tushyeh 1993 Contrastive analysis of selected English and Arabic prepositions with pedagogical implications Palestinian surnames derived from nicknames ArticlesA corpus of 413 Palestinian surnames was collected from several cities towns villages and refugee camps on the West Bank and classified into twelve categories: 1 Animals Birds and Insects 2 Occupations 3 Instruments 4 Personal Characteristics 5 Plants 6 Food 7 Natural Phenomena 8 Historical 9 Places 10 Religious 11 Foreign Non-Arabic and 12 Unknown This study the first of its kind to be conducted on the West Bank sheds light on some important aspects of Palestinian onomastics and cultural heritage as manifested in Palestinian occupations both extant and extinct personal characteristics places religion food flora and fauna of PalestineEnglish Word Formation and its Pedagogical Implications for EFL ArticlesEnglish word-formation is usually taken for-granted by teachers and planners and words are still assigned to classes noun verb adverb adjective by adjective which goes back for two millennia Matthew 1974 This paper has two aims: first to review types of English word-formation and second to discuss the need for word-formation teaching in EFL