An-Najah Blogs :: An-Najah Blogs :: en-us Sat, 27 Jul 2024 15:03:56 IDT Sat, 27 Jul 2024 15:03:56 IDT [email protected] [email protected] traditions and innovations in the higher architectural artistic education ArticlesTraditions and Innovations in the higher architectural artistic education 2008 Tha Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Art kindly find the attach file to read the articlecomprehensive approach to arabian furneture dimensions formation and its ergonomics Articlescomprehensive approach to arabian furneture dimensions formation and its ergonomics 2252007 The Kharkiv State Akademy of Design and Art kindly find the attach file for reading the article خصائص العمارة والزخرفة الإسلامية في بيت المقدس Postsخصائص العمارة والزخرفة الإسلامية في بيت المقدس المقالة في المرفقات