An-Najah Blogs :: Sam A. F. ALFOQAHAA An-Najah Blogs :: Sam A. F. ALFOQAHAA en-us Sat, 27 Jul 2024 14:05:06 IDT Sat, 27 Jul 2024 14:05:06 IDT [email protected] [email protected] The Impact of Customers Information Management on Organizational Performance and Competitive Advantage: A Field Study of Palestinian Corporations ArticlesAbstract: This study aimed at explaining the role of customers\\\\\\\ information management in improving organizational performance and competitive advantage for Palestinian corporations listed in Palestine Securities Exchange Customers\\\ information management included three dimensions; customers\\\\\\\ information acquisition information quality and information utilization Organizational performance was operationalized in terms of market share sales growth and profit margin compared to previous year While competitive advantage was operationalized in terms of some competitive indicators relative to competitors This study was based on two main hypotheses related to the potential effect and relationship of customers\\\\\\\ information management on organizational performance and competitive advantage The study population included all corporations listed in the Palestine Securities Exchange A representative simple random sample of 33 corporations was selected The study concluded the followings: A strong and statistically significant relationship was found between customers information management and the dimensions of organizational performance collectively and individually with the exception of sales growth dimension a significant correlation with the efforts of customers information management was not found while there was a strong influence of customer information management on the growth of market share and profit margin for the Palestinian Corporations An important and statistically significant relationship was found between information management and organizational competitive advantage Companies were not likely to make a good use of customers information as compared with their efforts of acquiring and ensuring the quality of this information The study made some recommendations aiming at increasing the awareness of corporations regarding management of customer information as an organizational assetFactors affecting the prices of industrial companies stocks listed on the Palestine Securities Exchange: An applied Study 2004-2008 ArticlesAbstract This study aimed to identify the impact of a number of financial and accounting variables on shares prices of industrial companies listed on the Palestine Securities Exchange Those factors are: Return on equity ratio earnings per share current ratio ratio of total liabilities to total assets rate of assets turnover and return on total assets The study population included all of industrial companies listed on the Palestine Stock Exchange 10 companies The study covered the time period between the years 2004-2008 The study found that there was a significant effect of each of earnings per share current ratio ratio of total liabilities to total assets and return on total assets on the prices of stock prices of industrial companies As for the return on equity ratio and the rate of assets turnover the results showed insignificant association with stock prices On the other hand a significant effect of independent variables on the stocks prices was found by using multiple regression analysis except for variables of current ratio and the ratio of total liabilities to total assets were excluded from the multiple regression model due to a significant correlation between them The study emphasized the importance of further studies with different economic sectors and also emphasized the importance of increasing the degree of disclosure by companies on factors influencing shares prices Information technology and customer preferences of commercial banks in Jordan ArticlesAbstract Research study the impact of information technology variables on Jordanian customer preference towards Commercial Bank which deals with in order to encourage and assist banks to adopt a modern management and marketing philosophy which will help them to achieve their objectives and support capabilities and competitive advantages The study sample included 400 bank clients randomly selected of commercial banks customers operating in the Greater Amman Municipality and after analyzing the data it was found that ATM service rely on modern communications technology building databases and the link between the different branches of banks in addition to services provided through different Visa cards the use of ATMs of other banks were to affect the customer\s preference of the Commercial Bank and has not been affected by the possible provision of banking services over the telephone or through the Internet or the use of SMS technology The study recommended that banks need to keep pace with modern technological developments which have not yet use such as providing banking services through the Internet and the future impact that will have with the increasing prevalence of this service and increase the effectiveness of banking services based on the current information technology such as ATMs branches link and the Visa cards Situational Dimensions of Customers Complaining Behavior when Dissatisfied with Banking Services in Palestine Articles Abstract: This study aimed at explaining complaining behavior of dissatisfied customers when they are dissatisfied with banking services in Palestine in order to gain better understanding about the reasons why dissatisfied customers do or do not complain so that banks can improve their performance The factors that affect complaining behavior are as follows: customers lack of information as to whom they complain perceived justice and expected costs and efforts of complaining The study also aimed at determining if there is a difference in customers complaining behavior due to any of their demographic and or situational characteristics This study was based on four main hypotheses related to the potential effects of the previously mentioned factors on the complaining behavior of dissatisfied customers The study population included customers of commercial banks working in the West Bank The study has come up with the following results: - Customers complaining behavior is negatively affected by lack of information as to whom they complain perceived justice and the expected costs and efforts of complaining - There is a significant difference in customers complaining behavior attributed to education level frequency of bank visits and type of problem source of dissatisfaction But for the other variables sex age income no significant difference was found The study has reached some recommendations aiming at increasing the awareness of customers as per complaints and encouraging them to voice their complaints since these complaints are considered as a source of information to evaluate and develop banks performance The Role of Japanese Universities in Enhancing the Japanese Tolerance and Sensitivity to Other Nations Cultures ArticlesA paper presented at the Middle East Group Study Program 2008 Final Presentation Session \\\\\\\Development and Societies\\\\\\\ Sponsored by JAPAN FOUNDATION Tokyo Japan November 28 2008 Friday This paper proved how through their curriculum teachers and cultural activities universities in Japan help to create cultural tolerance Universities as social organizations are playing a vital role in this regard The universities have the potential to contribute in shaping the cultural tolerance and sensitivity that will foster respect for life appreciation of diversity commitment to sustainable development social justice and participation of people in shaping their own destiny and peace The political level support given to the Japanese universities The linkage between Japanese tolerance and sensitivity to other nation\\\\\\\s cultures and the global position that Japan\\\\\\\s incumbent are explored as well in this paper Primary data are gathered through field trips and intensive interviews with the representatives of a purposeful Japanese universities sample بدون \"التسويق\" يعني الرجوع بتاريخ التطور الاقتصادي إلى مرحلة الماقبل- رأسمالية Postsإن الحديث عن أهمية التسويق كأحد الحقول المتخصصة في العلوم التجارية لا يعتبر محل معارضة أدبية، بل أصبح التسويق نشاط حيوي يمس كافة جوانب الحياة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية، فهذا النشاط يعنى بخلق التكيف والانسجام ما بين المنظمات بأفرادها ومنتجاتها وفلسفاتها مع واقعها البيئي ففي مجال السياسة مثلاً، تخصص الدول الكبرى مئات الملايين من الدولارات سنوياً لتسويق سياساتها الداخلية والخارجية، وتخصص الأحزاب السياسية جهوداً وأموالاً كثيرة لتسويق أفكارها ومرشحيها لنيل ثقة الجمهور وبعض المجتمعات خسرت الحرب بدون معركة بسبب الدعاية النفسية وكذلك في مجال الاقتصاد أيضا، يساعد التسويق على ضمان تدفق سلس لعوامل الإنتاج، فهو يساهم في زيادة فاعلية العلاقة بين أصحاب الفوائض وأصحاب العجوزات المالية، وبهذا المعني يعمل التسويق على انفتاح النظم وتفاعلها من هنا، لم يكن بالإمكان تصور الرقي والتطور الذي وصلت إليه المجتمعات الحديثة لو لا وجود المنافسة، وهنا يأتي التسويق كفلسفة وعمل ليغذي هذه المنافسة بما يوسع الخيارات أمام المستهلك ويساهم في تطوير وعيه ويحفز المنتجين على ابتكار الأفضل وقد تطور التسويق المنافسة مع تطور أنماط الإنتاج من التشكيلات الماقبل- رأسمالية والتي تضم الإنتاج البدائي، والخراجي، والعبودي، والسلعي البسيط إلى الرأسمالية، وهكذا فقد كان للتسويق دوراً محدوداً تصاعد خلال المرحلة التي تلت الثورة الصناعية ليعبّر عن بدء المنافسة، والذي يعني أن النظم الإنتاجية السابقة للرأسمالية هي نظم غير تنافسية، وبالتالي أهمل فيها الدور التسويقي بمفهومه الحديث والآن، إن إمكانية تطور اقتصاد حديث بدون التسويق يعني الرجوع بتاريخ التطور الاقتصادي إلى مرحلة الماقبل- رأسمالية، وعلى أقل تقدير إلى مرحلة ما يعرف بالمركنتيلية والممتدة من القرن السادس عشر وحتى الثورة الصناعية القرن التاسع عشر وعلى أية حال، إن الحديث عن أهمية التسويق والمنافسة بهذه الطريقة، لا يلغي ضرورة وجود قوانين وأنظمة تعالج الاحتكارات، والتوسع اللامحدود للتكتلات الاقتصادية Building an Evolutionary Model for the Retailing Trade Structure and Its Future Trends In Jordan Posts Abstract of PhD Thesis in Marketing 14-Jan-2007 This study aimed at building an evolutionary model to test and analyze the relative importance of the factors affecting the development of retailing trade structure in Jordan as well as determining and analyzing its future trends to use this information in preparing suitable plans for improving this important economic sector The factors that affect the development of retailing trade structure are as follows: change in consumption patterns retailers generic competitive strategies demography infrastructure government investment policies and the country economic situation This study was based on six main hypotheses related to the potential effects of the previously mentioned factors on the development of retailing trade structure; that is change in retail stores numbers sizes types and locations The study population included two sub populations; the first consisted of all food and non-food retail stores located in Amman city while the second consisted of the customers who buy from these stores The study has come up with the following main results: The development of retailing trade structure is affected by the change of consumption patterns taking into consideration its four sub variables; consumer mobility preference for higher levels of services and more convenient shopping preference for varied products with low prices high quality and in less time and consumer shopping habits Retailers generic competitive strategies cost leadership differentiation and focus strategy are also affect the development of retailing trade structure Results also emphasized that the development of retailing trade structure is affected by the change in demographic factors infrastructure government investment policies and the country economic situation The study proved that these factors have the ability- as a group and with all of its dimensions or sub variables- to explain the development of retailing trade structure Except the stores sizes dimension the factors could not explain its change This study concluded that the development of retailing trade structure is more likely to be explained by a holistic model consisted of three sub models which are as follows: the consumer model that represents the market demand side the retailer model that represents the market supply side the demographics the infrastructure the government investment policies and the country economic situation model which represents the macro environment surrounding the equation two sides- consumer and retailer In light of the study results and the scanning of the future trends of the development of retailing trade structure and its implications the researcher has reached recommendations aiming at assuring the balanced retail sector development and increasing its competitiveness Thus the recommendations were of two folds; the first is concerned with the public sector while the second is concerned with the retailers