An-Najah Blogs :: Sociology An-Najah Blogs :: Sociology en-us Wed, 24 Apr 2024 13:54:06 IDT Wed, 24 Apr 2024 13:54:06 IDT [email protected] [email protected] The missing Master of global sustainable development and Permaculture PostsAssesment of the Palestinian University curricula contribution for the teaching of sustainable development: We consider that there is a missing Master of global sustainable development and permaculture in the Palestinian university programs in which students can recieve knowledge about the articulated questions of ethics ecology economy and culture Dr Naji El Khatib Applied Sociology or Clinical Sociology:where is the point? PostsDR Naji El Khatib Some notes about my personal experience as a Sociologist 1 Applied Sociology or Clinical Sociology where is the point? As a scholar who received his sociological culture essentially in France my system of representations which allows me to define the significations to understand or predict the contents of a particular discipline is relatively influenced by this culture Thus the Applied Sociology in my primary perception has a negative connotation because it is assimilated to the quantitative instrumentalist sociology in service of some powerful socio-political forces Besides this culture fortunately I have my Anglo-Saxon sociological culture which help me to overcome these misunderstandings As an example after thinking about this subject critically I can surmount this unconstructive perception about the Applied Sociology and its paradigms I can admit that its richer than this restricted elementary perception I would like to clarify what I understand now by this discipline called Applied Sociology It is actually the connection that I establish between Applied Sociology and Clinical Sociology which I learned and will teach later I have to say that I was sensitized to this discipline through the Socio-analyze theory of Georges Lapassade a French sociologist whom I met after his retirement Later I attended the seminars of Rmi Hess disciple of G Lapassade who modified the Socio-analyze to the Institutional Analysis Beside Rmi Hess there has been also Ren Lourau And recently I worked with Marie-Louise Pellegrin within the Consortium of Euro-Mediterranean Universities CUEM whom elaborated the theory of the enunciative categories as the language categories which are not simply instruments of communication but mainly acts to perform the world and for that reason there is no intervention in the social field out of or apart from these categories In fact the Socio-analysis and the Institutional Analysis are both two sides of same coin: The Sociology of Intervention in the social fields This French sociology of intervention began with the Organizational Approach Michel Crozier; The Sociological Intervention Alain Touraine Franois Dubet ; The Socio-psychanalyse Grard Mendel ; The Psycho-social-intervention Jean Dubost Eugne Enriquez ; The Psycho-analysis of groups Groupal Psycho-dynamic Didier Anzieu Ren Kaes All these French schools participate in the creation of this Sociology of Intervention sociology of practice and maybe it is Eugne Enriquez who make more of connection between these tendencies of the French psycho-sociology with what we can qualify by a French clinical sociology His work about the clinic of the power articulated the unconscious dimension with life inside the institutions organizations and groups He analyzed the stakes of power ethics changes and sexuality in the intervention practices Now its a matter of fact that Applied and clinical sociologies are complementary approaches The employment of sociological perspectives and its tools in the understanding of the social life or the utilization of these perspectives to intervene to enhance to change some aspects of the Social are considered as what define the sociological practice as whole see the American definition for the Clinical and Applied sociologies below Otherwise to enlarge the horizons of sociological knowledge in the Palestinian university I work to introduce and disseminate the French sociology which is not well spread out because of the domination of Anglo-Saxon models and schools The Applied Sociology for me means a Clinical Sociology in the service of social intervention which is different from the social work According to my sociological French culture this branch of sociology treats the question from a utilitarian point of view: the sociological knowledge theories and methods of investigation help to shape the practical interventions on the field of action I myself practiced for more than 10 years this action of teaching-instructing teams of Intervenients intervening persons practitioners from social judicial and health sectors I worked with specialized educators judges of family affairs judges of teenagers delinquency problems school teachers policemen I treated with them from a sociological perspective the themes of their daily professional practices: family conflicts generation conflicts school failure violence against women youth violence drugs addictions associability etc In this context I used my sociological knowledge in the fields of sociology of family sociology of education legal-juridical sociology to teach-instruct these professional categories to perform their professional practices Its a sort of counseling critical reflection than a classical teaching This is a work of exchange around knowledge and experience theory and practice university and social life This exchange examines the viability of theories; re-write these theories according to social realities of daily life It could also be used to orient and reorient social policies expands the knowledge of decision-makers perform skills of practitioners with their clients etc In addition to the Anglo-Saxon sociologists Jane Addams Elizabeth J Clark John G Bruhn Lester F Ward Jan M Fritz Jonathan A Friedman others I used to exploit the work of the French sociologists as Georges Lapassade Alain Joxe my thesis directorMarie-Louise Pellegrin Jacqueline Barus-Michel and Ana-Maria Araujo my fellows in the Euro-Mediterranean University Consortium Eugne Enriquez Christoph Niewiadomski others ------------------------------------------------- An interesting critical contribution to the sociological analysis was performed by Professor Marie-Louise Pellegrin and by her colleagues of the Consortium of Euro-Mediterranean Universities CUEM conducted since 2002 in Italy Sicily The CUEM was initiated by Prof Pellegrin as an international and interdisciplinary think tank referring to linguistics anthropology and psychoanalysis Marie-Louise Pellegrin employ the concept of the \\\\\\\Analyzer\\\\\\\ by presenting the \\\\\\\minorities\\\\\\\ and the so-called \\\\\\\marginal\\\\\\\ as an analyzer of the whole Occidental societies This Analyzer is consider by her as a conceptual reference which reveal question analyze the \\\\\\\majority\\\\\\\ its certitudes and its untouchable criteria belonging to its extreme positivist visions To complete her critical approach of the Occidental thinking Professor Pellegrin pays more attention to the non-occidental thinking and especially to the Mediterranean philosophies and cultures to take her distance from the occidental categories of thoughts considered as universal once and for all Her rejection of the confinement in the only occidental culture seen as certain obvious superior advanced and complete concern also an ethical consideration which is necessary to appreciate the Other to understand him and to cohabite together in the mutual respect The other is conceived as the alter ego of the self that is to say the other-me Other is both my neighbor and a different topic from me Its the cohabitation between the proximity and the distance the familiarity and the strangeness This critical and ethical thinking take position concerning the questions related to the post-colonialism to the women issues and to gender theory http:cuemfreefr Clinical Sociology and Sociological Practice: The term sociological practice involves two areas clinical sociology and applied sociology Clinical sociology emphasizes hands-on intervention while applied sociology emphasizes research for practical purposes Both specialties require different kinds of specialized training Some sociological practitioners are clinical in that they only or primarily do intervention work; others are applied in that they only or primarily conduct research that is of practical interest Some practitioners do both Clinical sociologists for instance may conduct research before beginning an intervention project to assess the existing state of affairs during an intervention eg to study the process of adaptation andor after the completion of the intervention to evaluate the outcome of that intervention For some clinical sociologists the research activity is an important part of their own clinical work These sociologists have appropriate research training and look for opportunities to conduct research Other clinical sociologists prefer to concentrate on the interventions and leave any research to other team members Those clinical sociologists who decide not to engage in research may have research skills but prefer to conduct interventions may not have enough expertise in the conduct of research or may know that other team members have more expertise in research http:edulearnsocorgالتعددية: المنقذ من الجمود ، د.ناجي الخطيب Posts Monday October 30 2006 عرض لكتاب للدكتور ناجي الخطيب مركز الخدمة المجتمعية في جامعة النجاح الوطنية نابلس ـ فلسطين يصدر كتاباً بعنوان \ التعددية: المنقذ من الجمود \ تأليف دناجي الخطيب Dr Naji El Khatib Pluralisme et Interdisciplinarit en SciencesSociales et Humaines : Contre la stagnation de la pense صدر في سبتمبر 2006 عن مركز الخدمة المجتمعية التابع لجامعة النجاح الوطنية كتاب بعنوان \التعددية: المنقذ من الجمود\ للدكتور ناجي الخطيب الأستاذ الزائر في جامعة النجاح، ويركز الكتاب حول التعددية المعرفية وتداخل الحقول والمناهج في العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية ويأتي إصدار هذا الكتاب في إطار مشروع التعاون القائم ما بين الجامعة و \معهد مدفيل للدراسات الإنسانية\، حيث شمل التعاون كذلك تأسيس وحدة التدريب المجتمعي في جامعة النجاح الوطنية وعدداً من الدورات التدريبية لقد جاء الكتاب في ثمانية فصول إضافة إلى مقدمة وتعقيب وملحق للوثائق وفي مقدمته للكتاب أكد الكاتب أن الأطروحة المركزية للكتاب تتلخص بالقول بأن السطحية والتعميم والانتقائية التي تطبع عدداً من الأدبيات الاجتماعية والإنسانية العربية إنما تعود إلى تقوقعها على الذات وتغييبها السؤال الفلسفي المتعدد\ و\المتنوع\ في خضم حوار بنّاء مع الثقافات المعاصرة على اختلاف مشاربها أما الفصول الثمانية فقد جاءت تحت العناوين التالية: الفصل الأول: إشكالات التقاطع والتداخل والعبور ما بين العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية المختلفة الفصل الثاني: إشكالات التقاطع والتداخل بين العلوم الاجتماعية والعلوم الطبيعية الدقيقة الفصل الثالث: علوم الآثار ما بين علوم التاريخ والسوسيولوجيا والأنثروبولوجيا والعلوم الدقيقة الفصل الرابع: الداروينية والعلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية الفصل الخامس: علم النفس الاجتماعي: التعددية الحقلية والمناهجية ما بين العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية الفصل السادس: الدراسات الثقافية: التعددية الحقلية والمناهجية الفصل السابع: علم اجتماع الصراع والاستراتيجيا والعتددية الحقلية والمناهجية الفصل الثامن: علم اجتماع الصراعات والاستراتيجيات في الحقل العربي والتعددية الحقلية والمنهجية يطلب الكتاب من مركز الخدمة المجتمعية - جامعة النجاح الوطنية csc@najahedu smkilani@najahedu سعر النسخة: للأفراد 20 شيكل للمؤسسات 30 شيكل كما يطلب من\ معهد مدفيل للدراسات الإنسانية MedFil Humanities Institute-Paris France medfil2@gmailcom