An-Najah Blogs :: Dr. Ahmed Ph.D in Methods of Teaching English An-Najah Blogs :: Dr. Ahmed Ph.D in Methods of Teaching English en-us Sat, 27 Jul 2024 14:26:03 IDT Sat, 27 Jul 2024 14:26:03 IDT [email protected] [email protected] Effective teaching from an Najah National University M.A Student s’ perspectives ArticlesThis study aimed at exploring effective teaching from An-Najah National University MA students perspectives It also aimed at determining the role of the study variables gender accumulative average in BA and the school stage where they teach in effective teaching from the same perspectives To achieve these aims the researchers used structured questionnaire of 21 items which were distributed among 30 TEFL majors 14 males and 16 females that shape the sample of the study which was chosen randomly from all the MA TEFL majors The study occurs during the first semester of the academic year 2014 2015 Respondents\ results indicate a moderate degree of effective teaching from An Najah National University MA TEFL students perspective with a percentage of 715 Staff members who are imaginative can do wonders in the English class whose ideas break monotony and make students participate lively in the class are considered the best They can also teach any language skills interestingly and effectively as they can develop students\ creative self-expression Based on these major findings the researchers recommended the use of pedagogies that promote thinking and analytical skills and invite students to participate Other comparative studies in more than one university along with considering other variables that are not included or considered by this research are also recommendedStorytelling as an Aid in Promoting Oral Proficiency of Grade Eleven Students From Teachers’ Perspectives in Tulkarm District ArticlesThis study aimed to investigate the role of storytelling in promoting students oral proficiency from the teachers perspectives in Tulkarm District To achieve this aim the researchers prepared a 30-item questionnaire which was distributed among 50 male and female governmental school teachers who teach English for Palestine for Grade 11 in Tulkarm District during the second semester of the scholastic year 20112012 The researchers used different statistical procedures which fit the collected data The results of the study revealed that most of English teachers agreed that storytelling plays a remarkable role in promoting the 11th grade students oral proficiency in the classroom In the light of these results the researchers recommended using storytelling to motivate students to speak in the classroom and to conduct studies on digital storytelling as an aid in promoting oral proficiencyStudents\\\' Attitude towards Distance Learning at Al-Quds Open University/ Tulkarem Educational Region ArticlesThe aim of this study is to examine the students\ attitude towards open learning at Al- Quds Open University To achieve this aim the researcher used a 30-item questionnaire which was distributed among 92 male and female students 2 of the whole population who were chosen randomly from four educational specializations: Education social service administration and technology The researcher used different statistical procedures such as means and percentages independent paired t- test and the one way ANOVA test to analyze the necessary data for the research Results revealed that students highly value distance learning system because it offers a good opportunity for higher education to a large number of students who want to pursue their education by overcoming the spatial economical and social barriers It also provides self directedness and autonomous learning opportunities In the light of these findings the researcher recommended the consideration of lack of campus activities and rarity of instructor- student interaction for a viable distance learning systemThe Challenge of Classroom Leadership and Management Facing Newly Appointed Teachers ArticlesAbstract This study aims at exploring the problem of classroom managementas a facet of teacher leadershipfacing newly appointed teachers in Palestines public schools Its main purpose is to determine the relationship of attitudes and behaviors as well as other study variables such as gender and academic qualification to classroom management for newly appointed teachers To achieve this the researcher used a 14-item questionnaire distributed among a sample of 30 male and female teachers randomly selected from a cohort of 150 of newly appointed teachers in the West Bank governorate of Qabatia The study was conducted during the first semester of the scholastic year 2014 2015 In collecting and analyzing the data necessary for the study the researcher used different statistical procedures such as means frequencies and independent t-test The findings indicate a low competency level of 537 in classroom management skills among newly appointed teachers In the light of this finding the study recommends the inclusion of class management theory and practice in the syllabus of the practicum courses for all courses in pre-service teacher education Likewise the study recommends that school principals with support from district leadership provide newly appointed teachers with structured systematic induction and mentoring by experienced teachers who can model effective classroom leadershipThe Role of Educational Counseling in Reducing Conduct Disorders Among Students of Primary Stage in Nablus Governorate ArticlesAbstract This study aimed at investigating the role of educational counseling in reducing conduct disorders among students of primary stage in Nablus directorate To achieve this aim the researchers used a forty-item questionnaire which was distributed among 1727 students represented 10 schools selected randomly by using cluster random sample from grade four to grade six in the government schools in Nablus governorate In collecting the necessary data for answering the questions of the study the researchers used means standard deviations percentages and degrees for all items and total score of conduct disorders questionnaire items Additionally MANCOVA Test was used to find out the differences in conduct disorders due to study variables-Counseling services Gender Place and Achievement Results of this study showed that the level of conduct disorders among the study sample was moderate Significant differences were shown on the study variables as follows:- between schools with counseling services and schools without in favor of schools with Between males and females in favor of males Between city villages and camps in favor of camps Between students of different averages in favor of low achievers 50-60 In the light of these findings the researchers recommended overspreading counseling to all schools Improving counseling training is another important recommendation for the Ministry of EducationThe Most Common Spelling Errors Arab Students From Grades 6-9 Make in Their Learning of English ArticlesThe study aims to investigate the most common spelling mistakes English learning students from Grades 6-9 in Nablus and Jenin UNRWA schools make in light of gender and grade variables For this purpose the researcher dictates texts from the school textbooks of these grades to a sample of 241 students 107 males and 134 females Evaluating English for Palestine 12 in Terms of the EFL/ ESL Textbook Evaluating Checklist from the Teachers\\\' Perspectives in Nablus Directorate Schools ArticlesAbstract This study aimed at evaluating the Palestinian 12th grade textbooks in terms of the EFL ESL textbook evaluation checklist from the teachers\\\ perspectives in Nablus The study also examined the role of gender qualification and experience on the degree of evaluating the chosen textbooks To accomplish these aims the researcher used a 39- item questionnaire and then distributed it amongst the sample of the study which was chosen randomly and it consisted of 26 male and female teachers who teach English for the 12th grade in Nablus during the second semester of the academic year 2010-2011 After deep exploration and analysis of the new textbooks via comparing them with the used evaluative checklist the researcher found that these books could be suitable for the Palestinian students their culture and religion Therefore the researcher recommended using them in the Palestinian public and private schools after considering the suggested modifications Key words: Evaluating English for Palestine XII textbooks EFL ESL Evaluating Checklist Teachers\\\ PerspectivesUsing Games to Promote Students’ Motivation towards Learning English ArticlesAbstract: This study aims to find out the role of games in promoting students attitudes towards learning English from the teachers perspective The researchers used a 30-item questionnaire which was given to 20 male and female UNARWA teachers who teach English for the Palestinian young children aged 6-10 years old grades 1-4 in the schools of Jenin Refugee Camp Yabad Araba and Rommana where the whole authority belongs to United Nations Educational Relief and Work Agency UNERWA during the second semester of the academic year 2010-2011 The researchers used means t- test and one way ANOVA to analyze the collected data The researchers found out that most of the teachers of English in the above-mentioned schools agree that games have influence on the students attitudes towards learning English and that the use of them in the class is not just for fun but it also serves many educational purposes such as creative thinking critical thinking problem solving role playing and collaborative work among others In the light of these findings the researchers suggested using games as energizers and short warm-up activities not only to sustain attractiveness to learning but also to bring real life to learningUsing Games to Promote Students’ Motivation towards Learning English ArticlesAbstract: This study aims to find out the role of games in promoting students attitudes towards learning English from the teachers perspective The researchers used a 30-item questionnaire which was given to 20 male and female UNARWA teachers who teach English for the Palestinian young children aged 6-10 years old grades 1-4 in the schools of Jenin Refugee Camp Yabad Araba and Rommana where the whole authority belongs to United Nations Educational Relief and Work Agency UNERWA during the second semester of the academic year 2010-2011 The researchers used means t- test and one way ANOVA to analyze the collected data The researchers found out that most of the teachers of English in the above-mentioned schools agree that games have influence on the students attitudes towards learning English and that the use of them in the class is not just for fun but it also serves many educational purposes such as creative thinking critical thinking problem solving role playing and collaborative work among others In the light of these findings the researchers suggested using games as energizers and short warm-up activities not only to sustain attractiveness to learning but also to bring real life to learningThe Most Common Punctuation Errors Made by the English and the TEFL Majors at An-Najah National University. ArticlesAbstract The aim of this study is to investigate the most common punctuation mistakes which the English and the TEFL majors at An-Najah National University make in their writing To this end the researcher administered a test to a stratified random sample of 100 students from An-Najah University: 45 males and 55 females from the TEFL Department in the Faculty of Education and the English Department in the Faculty of Arts The results revealed that the most common errors among the English and the TEFL majors at An-Najah University were: the overuse of comma at the expense of the period the incorrect use of the capital letter the wrong use of the quotation marks and the misuse of semicolon respectively Furthermore the results indicated that there were no significant differences in the number of punctuation errors due to gender and department; however the results revealed that there were significant differences in the number of punctuation errors among the participants due to academic level In the light of the study findings the researcher recommended that all the teaching staff should overstress the importance of all the punctuation marks in the written and the oral communication coursesSchools English Teachers\' Attitudes towards Adopting Independent Learning. ArticlesABSTRACT English Teachers\ Attitudes towards Adopting Independent Learning Based on the importance of producing a well-educated generation capable of meeting the requirements of the present life complications the researcher conducted a study entitled \ School English Teachers\ Attitudes towards Adopting Independent Learning \ This study basically dealt with the importance of independent learning in developing the learner\s potentials to challenge these requirements This study aimed to discover the English teachers \ attitudes towards adopting independent learning To accomplish this aim the researcher used a 20- item questionnaire about the advantages of independent learning and the role of the participants through itThen the questionnaire was distributed amongst 40 male and female teachers who taught English in the United Nations Relief and Work AgencyUNRWA schools from Jenin Area during the scholastic year 2009-2010 After analyzing the data using the descriptive statistical method the researcher reached these results: There were no significant differences at = 005 in the UNRWA English teachers\ attitudes in Jenin District towards using independent learning due to gender experience qualification and location camp village variables In the light of these findings the researcher recommended the following: Overstressing the use of activities and skills that promote all kinds of independent learning and conducting other studies in other schools- public or private- and in other regions- city schools المهارات اللغوية لدى الطلبة الجامعيين المتخصصين في اللغة الإنجليزية في ضوء نظام التعليم في الجامعة والجنس والتحصيل الأكاديمي والسنة الدراسية Articlesملخص الدراسة هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم مستوى المهارات اللغوية لدى عينة من الطلبة الجامعيين الذين يدرسون اللغة الإنجليزية، والكشف عن طبيعة الفروق في مستوى هذه المهارات تبعاً لبعض المتغيرات كنظام التعليم في الجامعة والجنس والتحصيل الأكاديمي والسنة الدراسية لهذا الغرض طبق مقياس المهارات اللغوية على عينة مكونة من 275 طالباً وطالبة ملتحقين للدراسة في تخصص اللغة الإنجليزية في جامعتي النجاح الوطنية والقدس المفتوحة وقد أظهرت نتائج هذه الدراسة أن تقديرات أفراد الدراسة للمستوى العام لممارستهم للمهارات اللغوية القراءة والكتابة والمحادثة والاستماع كان مرتفعاً سواء كان ذلك داخل الصف أو خارجه وفي كلا نظامي التعليم التقليدي وعن بعد باستثناء مستوى هذه المهارات في حالة الممارسة خارج الصف في نظام التعليم عن بعد فقد كان متوسطاً ودلت النتائج أيضاً وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً في مستوى ممارسة أفراد الدراسة لمهارة الاستماع تبعاً لمكان الممارسة لصالح داخل الصف، بينما أظهرت النتائج عدم وجود فروق جوهرية في مستوى ممارسة مهارات القراءة والكتابة والمحادثة تبعاً لمكان الممارسة وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً في مستوى ممارسة أفراد الدراسة لمهارة الكتابة داخل الصف تبعاً لنظام التعليم المتبع في الجامعة لصالح التعليم التقليدي، بينما أظهرت النتائج عدم وجود فروق جوهرية في مستوى ممارسة مهارات القراءة والمحادثة والاستماع تبعاً لهذا المتغير بينما وجدت فروق دالة إحصائياً لصالح التعليم التقليدي في مستوى ممارسة المهارات اللغوية جميعها خارج الصف ومن جهة أخرى أظهرت النتائج عدم وجود فروق جوهرية في مستوى ممارسة المهارات اللغوية تبعاً لمتغير الجنس ووجود فروق في مستوى ممارسة هذه المهارات اللغوية تبعاً لمتغير التحصيل الأكاديمي وذلك لصالح فئة الطلبة المتفوقين تحصيلياً ووجود فروق في مستوى ممارسة مهارتي القراءة والكتابة تبعاً لمتغير السنة الدراسية لصالح طلبة السنة الرابعة، بينما عدم وجود فروق في مستوى ممارسة مهارتي المحادثة والاستماع تبعاً لمتغير السنة الدراسية The Effect of Using “Story Grammars” on the Students’ Achievement.” ArticlesThe purpose of the study is to investigate the positive effects of applying Story Grammars as a teaching strategy on students scholastic performance To achieve this aim the researchers used the aforementioned strategy in teaching junior and senior college students of pedagogy an advanced course in writing at An-Najah National University Faculty of Education during the first semester of the academic year 2004-2005 The researchers used the independent samples t-test to show the equality of means between the experimental group and the control group and to show the significant difference between the same two groups after applying the Story Grammar Approach referred to herein as SG Likewise the researchers used paired samples t-test to show the changes in the experimental group students results after applying the SG strategy and to show the changes in the control group students results after applying the traditional strategy in teaching The findings of the statistical analysis are overwhelmingly in favor of incorporating the SG as a pedagogically conducive approach in the teaching of literary genres The findings of the same experiment have also underscored the fact that there is a significant difference between the two groups in favor of the experimental group due to the application of SG as an effective strategy in teaching As a consequence and due to the positive results found it is highly recommended that this strategy be considered an essential component of the pedagogy being used in teaching EFL and ESL classesThe Teachers\' and Students\' Perspective towards Using the Internet in Learning English as a Foreign Language ArticlesAbstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the teachers and students perspective towards using the internet in learning English as a foreign language To achieve this purpose the researcher used the descriptive procedure via which he used a questionnaire for collecting data from the students and the faculty members in the Faculty of Education An-Najah National University during the first semester 2005-2006 The results of the study showed that 100 of the students and 90 of the teachers felt that the internet should be used appropriately in the teaching and learning process and in their English classes as well The respondents emphasized the fact that the appropriate use of the internet can help students gain higher-order thinking by engaging them in authentic complex tasks within collaborative learning contexts A noticeable percentage of 90 of students and teachers agreed that using the internet appropriately can help gain access to a universe of informational resources including digital archives establishing contact with students and professionals in other places and cultures and putting teachers in touch with a broader community of educators in their disciplines The findings of the study should be taken into consideration by teachers of English as a foreign language as well as textbooks and curricula designers to regard the positive effects of the internet in their pedagogies book activities and in their educational collaborative works as well The Impact of using Chat on the Students\' Achievement in Nablus Schools from the Teachers\' Perspectives ArticlesThis study aimed at identifying the impact of the use of chatting on the students\ achievement as seen by the English language teachers in Nablus schools and finding out whether there were statistically significant differences attributable to the variables of gender experience academic level and computer skills The subjects of the study were 60 male and female teachers of English from Nablus schools where the researchers used a questionnaire of 30 items and distributed it among the subject of the study The researchers used various statistical analyses such as the standard deviation percentages T test and One-Way analysis of variance to analyze the results of the study The results of the study showed that the impact of chat on students\ achievement was very high in some items and it was high in other items whereas it was very low in only two items The results also showed that there was a statistically significant difference in favor of those who had computer skills In the light of the results of the study the researchers recommended increasing the students\ awareness of the benefits and risks of using this service integrating the different technological services in the school technology textbooks in addition to the urgent need to conduct a study on the use of chat as perceived by students The Role of Arab Universities in Developing the Knowledge Society As Perceived by Their Teaching Staff Members Articlesواقع دور الجامعات العربية في تنمية مجتمع المعرفة من وجهة نظر عينة من أعضاء هيئة التدريس فيها ملخص الدراسة هدف هذه الدراسة استطلاع رأي عينة من أعضاء هيئة التدريس في بعض الجامعات العربية حول واقع الدور الذي تمارسه هذه الجامعات في تنمية مجتمع المعرفة، لهذا الغرض تم تطبيق استبيان لتقييم دور الجامعة في تنمية مجتمع المعرفة على عينة بلغ قوامها 132 عضو هيئة تدريس يعملون في بعض الجامعات العربية وقد أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن دور الجامعات العربية وفق تقديرات أعضاء هيئة التدريس كان بمستوى قوي في مجال إعداد الفرد، وكان هذا الدور بمستوى متوسط في مجال تنمية مجتمع المعرفة ومجال توليد المعرفة، علماً بأن المستوى العام لهذا الدور كان بمستوى متوسط ودلت النتائج أيضاً على وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً بين الجنسين في تقديرات دور الجامعات العربية في مجال إعداد الفرد لصالح الذكور، وعدم وجود فروق جوهرية في هذه التقديرات في مجالي تنمية مجتمع المعرفة وتوليد المعرفة وفي الدور العام تبعاً لمتغير الجنس وأظهرت النتائج وجود فروق دالة إحصائياً في تقديرات عينة الدراسة في المجالين: توليد المعرفة وإعداد الفرد تبعاً لمتغير التخصص وذلك لصالح التخصصات العلمية، بينما أظهرت النتائج من جهة أخرى عدم وجود فروق جوهرية في هذه التقديرات في مجال تنمية مجتمع المعرفة وفي الدور العام تبعاً لمتغير التخصص كما بينت النتائج وجود فروق في تقديرات عينة الدراسة في جميع المجالات وفي الدور العام للجامعات في تنمية مجتمع المعرفة تبعاً للموقع الجغرافي وذلك لصالح الجامعات في بلدان الخليج العربي The Role of Arab Universities in Developing the Knowledge Society As Perceived by Their Teaching Staff Members Abstract This study aimed at investigating the role of the Arab universities in developing the knowledge society from the perspective of their teaching staff members For this purpose the researchers used a questionnaire for evaluating the role of the Arab universities in improving knowledge society and applied it on a sample of 132 members in different Arab universities According to the staff members\ perspective results showed a high level of the role Arab universities in improving the preparation of the individual domain Regarding the items in developing knowledge society and generating knowledge domain the role of Arab societies was moderate Additionally the results of the research showed that there were significant differences in the role of Arab universities in terms of improving the preparation of the individual domain due to gender in favor of males while there were no significant differences in the role of Arab universities in developing knowledge society and generating knowledge domains due to gender Results also revealed that there were significant differences in the role of Arab universities in the domains of preparing individuals and generating knowledge due to specialization variable in favor of scientific specialization while there were no significant differences in the role of Arab universities in developing knowledge society due to specialization variable However the results revealed that there were significant differences in the role of Arab universities in the domains of preparing individuals and generating knowledge due to geographical area variable in favor of Arab Gulf universities The Effect of Collaborative Strategy on Improving Students’ Potentials in learning Active Voice and Passive Voice in English ArticlesAbstract This study aims to investigate the effect of the collaborative learning on improving the students potential when dealing with the active voice and the passive voice in English To achieve this aim the researchers conducted this study on the eighth graders in Qalqilia district in Palestine The treatment was applied to 50 male and female students who were randomly selected from all the district schools The researchers divided the sample into two groups of 25 students each a control group and an experimental group The groups were given the same material about the passive voice and the active voice The students in the control group were taught the use of the passive voice and the active voice through the traditional method while the students in the experimental group were taught the use of the passive voice and the active voice through the collaborative learning method The researchers illustrated the collaborative learning principles to the teacher of the experimental group For details see Appendices III P24 During the second semester 2006-2007 and before applying the collaborative method the researchers gave the two groups the same test to make sure that they were equivalent They administered the same test to the two groups after applying the collaborative method The findings of the study showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental and the control groups in favor of the experimental group which means that the collaborative learning strategy was more effective in improving students learning of the active and passive voice Based on these findings the researchers recommended that teachers be advised to adopt the collaborative learning strategy that focuses on the learner who is considered as the foundation stone of the whole teaching and learning process Analysing "English for Palestine-10" in Terms of the Characteristics of a Good English Textbook. ArticlesThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the book entitled English for Palestine-10 for teaching English for the tenth graders in Public Schools in Palestine To achieve this aim the researcher used two criteria: a questionnaire that contains 52 items which help to judge the suitability of a good textbook and a list that contains the characteristics of a good textbook The two criteria are adapted from Solicits 1978; Cunningsworth 1984; Sheldon 1988; Skierso 1991; Al-Makhzoumi 1992; McMillan and Schumacher 1997; Laime 1999; Ur 1996 and Grainger 2002 The researcher gave the questionnaire to 50 male and female English teachers who teach the tenth graders from Nablus district After the observation and analysis of the textbook regarding the above-mentioned evaluative measures the researcher noticed that these textbooks are suitable and could be used in private and in government schools after regarding the different suggestions and modifications the researcher concluded The Use of Arabic in English Classes ArticlesThe purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using Arabic in English classes To achieve this purpose the researchers distributed a questionnaire about the use of Arabic in English classes to the teachers and students of ordinary-level English at Rawdat Al-Maaref Schools and College RAMS in Amman Jordan The results of the study showed that 100 of the students and 90 of the teachers felt that Arabic should be used in their English classes The respondents emphasized the fact that cultural and religious concepts should be taught by referring to Arabic in English classes A noticeable percentage of 90 of students agreed that Arabic should necessarily be used to explain difficult concepts Almost a similar percentage of the students like to have Arabic in their grammar lessons because they feel that it facilitates their learning of English The findings of the study should be taken into consideration by teachers of English as a foreign language as well as textbooks and curricula designers The Teachers’ and Students’ Perspective towards Using the Internet in Learning English as A foreign Language.” Articles -- Style Definitions pMsoNormal liMsoNormal divMsoNormal {mso-style-parent:; margin:0in; margin-bottom:0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:120pt; font-family:Times New Roman; mso-fareast-font-family:Times New Roman;} a:link spanMsoHyperlink {color:blue; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;} a:visited spanMsoHyperlinkFollowed {color:purple; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;} @page Section1 {size:85in 110in; margin:10in 125in 10in 125in; mso-header-margin:5in; mso-footer-margin:5in; mso-paper-source:0;} divSection1 {page:Section1;} -- The purpose of this study is to investigate the teachers and students perspective towards using the internet in learning English as a foreign language To achieve this purpose the researcher used the descriptive procedure via which he used a questionnaire for collecting data from the students and the faculty members in the Faculty of Education An-Najah National University during the first semester 2005-2006 The results of the study showed that 100 of the students and 90 of the teachers felt that the internet should be used appropriately in the teaching and learning process and in their English classes as well The respondents emphasized the fact that the appropriate use of the internet can help students gain higher-order thinking by engaging them in authentic complex tasks within collaborative learning contexts A noticeable percentage of 90 of students and teachers agreed that using the internet appropriately can help gain access to a universe of informational resources including digital archives establishing contact with students and professionals in other places and cultures and putting teachers in touch with a broader community of educators in their disciplines The findings of the study should be taken into consideration by teachers of English as a foreign language as well as textbooks and curricula designers to regard the positive effects of the internet in their pedagogies book activities and in their educational collaborative works as well Analysing “English for PalestineIV” in Terms of the Characteristics of a good English Textbook ArticlesThe aim of this study is to evaluate English for Palestine IV To achieve this aim the researcher used several evaluative criteria such as: a questionnaire that contains important items through which a person can judge the suitability of a good TEFL or ESL textbook Additionally the researcher used the characteristics of a good textbook in order to see whether the textbooks mentioned above are suitable or not The characteristics of a good textbook and the questionnaire are adopted from Solicits 1978; Al- Makhzoumi 1992 and Macmillan 1997 The questionnaire was given to 60 of the English teachers who teach the fourth graders from Jenin and Qabatia districts After the thorough observation and analysis of the textbooks regarding the different evaluative measures the researcher noticed that these textbooks are suitable and he strongly recommended using these textbooks in private as well as in government schools after carrying out the suggested modifications mentioned in the researchers suggestions and recommendationsThe Role of Micro and Macro Elements in Understanding a Text: An ‎Analytical Study of G. De Maupassant's (The Necklace) ArticlesThis study aims at studying the role of micro elements in understanding the macro elements which both help in understanding and deciding the story line and determining the function of a text In compliance with this aim the researchers used content analysis of G De Maupassants The Necklace The bases of the content analysis were embodied in the following major hypotheses: 1 Satisfactory understanding of a text depends on two related dimentions: the decontextualized knowledge and the contextualized knowledge of how to use a language appropriately in context 2 Relying only on one language component eg grammar rules in order to create a communicative sentence and overlooking other language components will result in a communication breakdown because both linguistic and the paralinguistic components of a language are interdependent and overlapping The basic tools used for analysis were two fold 1 quantitative statistical analysis in which the micro elements were tabulated and analyzed 2 qualitative analysis in which the micro elements were used systematically to investigate the level of appropriatness of a given item to the text as a whole Thus one can say that the tools of analysis were both quantitative and qualitative The aims of the study were achieved by indicating the role of micro elements and macro elements in re-building and understanding a text An-Najah University Journal for Research - Humanities B ISSN: 1727-8449 Volume 20 Issue 2 2006 Pages: 625-664